Recoded chunk ticking & block ticking
Custom tickloop implementation
Dynamic paralellised entity tracking
Eigencraft & PandaWire redstone implementations
World Generator Configs
Recode of one of the heaviest parts in any spigot: Activation Range & AntiXray
Best HCF enderpearls system
Heavily optimized networking
Phase & VClipping fixes
Ghost bucket fix
One of the best entity tracker packets recode (capable of hundreds of players)
Best Fishing Rod & Arrow mechanics
Optimized chunk packets & chunk serialization
Fix for commonly known backpacking issue on HCF servers
Player TP tracker for improved player tracking accuracy
Fix for drop & eat bug
Heavily optimized player logins
Option to launch pots when clicking certain blocks (eg: hoppers/chests)
PaperSpigot console improvements
Enchant Limiter to increase or decrease any enchantment level (Works with enchant table & anvils)
Heavily optimized TNT & Redstone mechanics
Explosion Destroyer for durability checking & obsidian damage by TNT
Ingame GUI editor for easier configuring
Async data saving (eg: worlds, user cache, stats)
Best bow boosting configurations
Many more fixes & optimizations
Custom tickloop implementation
Dynamic paralellised entity tracking
Eigencraft & PandaWire redstone implementations
World Generator Configs
Recode of one of the heaviest parts in any spigot: Activation Range & AntiXray
Best HCF enderpearls system
Heavily optimized networking
Phase & VClipping fixes
Ghost bucket fix
One of the best entity tracker packets recode (capable of hundreds of players)
Best Fishing Rod & Arrow mechanics
Optimized chunk packets & chunk serialization
Fix for commonly known backpacking issue on HCF servers
Player TP tracker for improved player tracking accuracy
Fix for drop & eat bug
Heavily optimized player logins
Option to launch pots when clicking certain blocks (eg: hoppers/chests)
PaperSpigot console improvements
Enchant Limiter to increase or decrease any enchantment level (Works with enchant table & anvils)
Heavily optimized TNT & Redstone mechanics
Explosion Destroyer for durability checking & obsidian damage by TNT
Ingame GUI editor for easier configuring
Async data saving (eg: worlds, user cache, stats)
Best bow boosting configurations
Many more fixes & optimizations
# ================ ⚡ AzuriteSpigot ⚡ ================
# Azurite configuration
# You will find all the main mechanics here
# ======================================================
serverBranding: AzuriteSpigot # Used for commands and server ping data
disableBlockLighting: false
randomTickSpeed: 3
tickBlocks: true
tickTileEntities: true
tickBeacons: true
tickBrewingStands: true
tickHoppers: true
tickVillages: false
tickFurnaces: true
tickChunks: true
tickBiomeCache: true
tickWeather: true
enableSpigotConfigCommand: true
enablePingCommand: true
enableTPSCommand: true
enableChunkUnloadCommand: true
enableClearLagCommand: true
enableSetMaxPlayersCommand: true
cacheChunkMaps: true # IMPORTANT! This patch is from paper and we highly suggest using. However if you get chunk corruption bugs turn this off.
chunkLoadingThreads: 3
playersPerThread: 100
chunkUnloading: true
unloadPerTick: 150
arrowTrajectoryRandomness: 1.0
rodTrajectoryRandomness: 1.0
snowballTrajectoryRandomness: 1.0
eggTrajectoryRandomness: 1.0
pearlTrajectoryRandomness: 1.0
potionTrajectoryRandomness: 1.0
itemFizzSounds: true
fluidFizzSounds: true
mobRandomSounds: true
explosionSounds: true
footstepSounds: false
dispenserEffects: true
spawnerParticles: true
explosionParticles: true
tntParticles: true
footstepParticles: false
furnaceModifier: 1.0
brewingModifier: 1.0
fallDamageModifier: 1.0
critDamageModifier: 1.0
firePlayerMoveEvent: true
fireBlockPhysicsEvent: true
fireHopperMoveItemEvent: true
fireSandBlockChangeEvent: true
fireSandPhysicsEvent: true
fireRedstonePhysicsEvent: true
fireTNTDispenseEvent: true
redstoneOptimization: EIGENCRAFT # Redstone implementation. Choose EIGENCRAFT/PANDAWIRE/DEFAULT
gravelFall: true
grassSpread: true
grassSpreadLight: true
leafDecaying: true
dropFloatingPlants: true
dropExplosionBlocks: true
dispenserRandomness: true # Optimizes cannons
pistonPushEntities: true # Push entities with piston
pistonMaxBlockPush: 12 # Maximum blocks pushed by pistons
infiniteWaterSources: true
waterDestroyRedstone: true
oldEnchantingSystem: false # Toggle for 1.7 enchanting system
cobbleGenerating: true # Cobble generation from lava and water
stoneGenerating: true # Stone generation from lava and water
obsidianGenerating: true # Obsidian generation from lava and water
spongeRadius: 4 # Sponge activation radius, 0 to disable
spongePreventWaterFlow: false
spongeInstantBreak: false
chunkMobLimit: 0 # Number of mobs in a chunk to prevent spawning. 0 - to disable requirement
minimumSpawnDelay: 200
maximumSpawnDelay: 800
spawnCount: 4
spawnRange: 4.0 # Spawn range for entities around the spawner
playerSpawnRange: 16.0 # Radius for players around to spawn
maximumNearbyEntities: 0 # Amount of entities around the spawner to prevent spawning. 0 - to disable requirement
lightLevelCheck: true
playerBorderDamage: false
playerMovedTooQuicklyCheck: true # Toggle spigots moved too quickly check.
checkPlayerSleep: true
playerIdleTimer: false
playerPhaseLeniency: 1.0E-7 # Defines the length a player can go inside a block, if you experience issues with server setting back due to phase, we recommend setting it to 0.0625
playerPhaseChestsAndAnvils: false # Toggles chests & anvil bounding boxes, it is only recommended enabling this if you want to have protection against people glitching through chests & anvils
dynamicParalellisedTracking: true # Async player tracking. Server will decide when it should be used
playersNeededParalellisedTracking: 100 # How many players should be tracked for us to run paralellised
hideEntitiesThrownHidden: false # Toggle hiding entities thrown by hidden players
protRandomness: true # Toggle protection randomness (HCF server toggle off and check below)
protectionModifier: 25.0 # Protection damage modifier. If prot randomness is disabled make sure to change this to 20-23. Lower for more damage and higher for less damage
armorDamageDivision: 4.0 # Armor damage modifier (HCF should be 12)
optimizePlayerPrinter: false # Remove block place delay
autoRespawnPlayer: false
ipConsoleLog: false
writeAddPlayerPacketsLazily: false # Write add player packets lazily instead of using our queue implementation.
networkBlockingJoin: true # PaperSpigot patch for preventing blocking while ticking. Toggle off if you have issues with your anticheat on join.
tickPlayerLatency: true # Tick player latency on tablist
parentNettyThreads: 1 # 1 Is sufficient as it is just responsible for accepting connections and offloading to child group
childNettyThreads: 0 # Default is 4, 0 is recommended which uses all processors available but will increase cpu usage.
globalActiveKnockback: Default # Which profile should we use as the default
overrideDefaultKnockback: true # Should we use our custom knockback
overrideRodKnockback: true # Should we use our custom knockback
overrideArrowKnockback: true # Should we use our custom knockback
patchArrowBounceBug: true # Toggles the arrow hit delay in knockback profiles.
patchDropEatBug: true
patchGhostBuckets: true # This makes sure the server uses the correct location for placing liquids by waiting for the client tick packet
patchHCFRegenBug: true # This makes regeneration weaker as players in teamfights are often invincible with regular regen.
obfuscateEntityEquipment: true # Obfuscates equipment to deny a few cheats
fillerEnabled: true
fillerData: 7
pageType: CARPET
pageData: 2
pageBackDisplay: '&dPrevious Page'
- '&e(Current Page: &2%page%/%max-pages%&e)'
pageForwardDisplay: '&dNext Page'
- '&e(Current Page: &2%page%/%max-pages%&e)'
backButtonType: BED
backButtonData: 0
backButtonDisplay: '&cBack'
mobAI: true
naturalMobSpawn: true
ironGolemFallDamage: true
snowGolemFallDamage: true
babyZombieSpawning: true
zombieOnChickenSpawning: true
villagerZombieSpawning: true
skeletonOnSpiderSpawning: true
entityCollisions: true # Toggle this off if you want the best performance
entityCollisionsDelay: 1 # A delay of 4 is recommended
fixFreecamCegging: false # Only enable if it is an issue! May cause performance issues
sandMerging: false
tntMerging: false
hidePistonAnimations: false
hideTntEntity: false
hideSandEntity: false
fixSandChunkUnloading: true
optimizeTNTMovement: false
optimizeSandMovement: false
fixEastWestCannon: true
explosionDestroyer: false
durabilityItemChecker: potato
damageOnlyByTNT: false
- obsidian:3
- bedrock:5
- end_stone:5
- obsidian:35.0
- bedrock:60.0
- end_stone:45.0
- anvil:2000.0
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