SEEKING CodeBlock Recruitment


New Member
Hello everyone, I am SuqerDerp, the founder of CodeBlock!
We are hiring developers and builders to be apart of the team, the website is
If you would like to join please contact me and we can communicate.

What is CodeBlock?
We are an all-around staff team, I and a few other people will go to servers and see what help they need. I will contact the leader of what they need and a person would be sent to help the server. This is NOT a full-time thing and basically to join you are apart of my contacts and I would message you if someone needs you.

SuqerDerp joins a server, he asks if they need any help. The owner, Steve says he wants a developer, SuqerDerp contacts the head developer and asks him if he can send a developer. The developer joins, helps Steve and we leave. If the developer wants he can continue working on the server but that's up to his choice.

To apply simply respond and follow this format:
What have you previously coded before?

How much experience do you have?

What is your ign?

What are your specialties?

Can you code java?

Please place an image of a previous build:

How much experience do you have?

What is your ign?

What are your specialties?

Are you good at anything else?

We are trying to get it so we charge people and arrange prices but for now, services are free, if we get good developers and builders we could most likely charge money and the people on the team can make $$$
If you have any questions please ask.
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