[FREE] LinkNSync Plugin (For community based servers)



So for those that are interested, I have got a plugin for you all to use called LinkNSync, It requires a companion website but allows for Streamers (Currently just Twitch, more coming soon) to create subscriber-only servers.

How easy is it to use:
It's super easy to set up and requires no prior knowledge with config files or sending your users to another server to link to then join yours., Your server can be set up in 3 quick steps.

  1. Download our plugin from either our website or one of the listed sites below and place it into your plugins folder
  2. Head over to our companion website and login with Twitch, Click add server and follow the procedure.
  3. Paste the token proved by the dashboard into either your game chat or server terminal (if pasted into the terminal remove the / at the start of the command) and enjoy.

Where can we find the plugin:
Our plugin can be found on Spigot, Songoda & a couple of smaller sites (Iv provided the spigot one below), The plugin is free to use for everyone (it will have some premium QOL features later)
The plugin aims to be easy to manage for streamers and easy to set up, Allowing you the streamer to focus on your content

Why was it made:
Purely out of spite if I'm honest, I'm a streamer myself and I got sick and tired of dead plugins or overly complicated setup methods varying from sending users to a different server to config files asking users to set up an APP for tokens for the plugin.

submitted by /u/TheCynicalKitty
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