Name of plugin you want: HostUHC
Spigot Link:♒hostuhc♒-team-solo-1-8-1-10-♒best-hostuhc-plugin♒.27202/
Price: 10 EUR
Why you want it: This is for my friends uhc server. He does not accept donations, but just hosts for the fun of it.
Why you deserve it: My friend deserves this because he puts a lot of time into his uhc server and with this plugin I think his server can be better.
Spigot Link:♒hostuhc♒-team-solo-1-8-1-10-♒best-hostuhc-plugin♒.27202/
Price: 10 EUR
Why you want it: This is for my friends uhc server. He does not accept donations, but just hosts for the fun of it.
Why you deserve it: My friend deserves this because he puts a lot of time into his uhc server and with this plugin I think his server can be better.