I don't want to keep playing Minecraft with my little brother.



I created a server for me and my bestfriend (20yo) and we wanted other people to join us eventually. I decided to invite my brother (10yo).

After we got diamond tools, we decided to set up in a nice landscape and everyone got an "area" to build their houses. My bestfriend built a cute house and I decided to put some effort in mine too to match up the energy of the server. However, my brother keeps building stuff with cobblestone that looks honestly terrible. Me and my friend didn't worry too much about it because it was his area, but whenever we offer tips to build better, he says that is too much work and he doesn't want to rebuild.

Besides that he broke our flowers for dye, accidentally killed a villager, takes wood from the villager houses and left a trail of cobblestone. Everytime I tried to politely teaching him the right way but evertime he comes up with something new.

I don't want to kick him out because the server means a lot to him but I don't want my best friend to get tired of him and stop playing the server. What would you do?

TLDR: My little brother is annoying in our server and I'm afraid my friend will get tired of him and quit our server

submitted by /u/rockelliot
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