I miss my dad.



I miss my dad.

Unfortunately, cancer took my father from us back in November of last year.

While he was in hospice, we would hang out & one day I told him I would probably make something in his memory in my world. He laughed & said he would be surprised if I didn't. My parents know I just adore this dang game.

So I made this shrine in his honor! Gravestone? Shrine?

Either way! I made it next to my home, and with time I hope to add a few more decorative things. Especially after I visit the end, imagine some nice end rod lamps with it!

I miss him so much. This game is a nice escape from reality, but when it hits, I just hit the ole' minecraft squat by his spot 🤍 (The candles are gray, wee)

submitted by /u/SoHappySoSad
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