I want to buy Minecraft for my son who is 5. I own a Nintendo Switch and a PS5. Which version should I get?



PlayStation 5 is the main console we use at home, so my initial thought was to buy it on PlayStation 5. But then I learned that the Switch version has a exclusive Mario themed pack, which sounds like a lot of fun since we like all the Mario games! We never played Minecraft (except for the one hour trial version on PlayStation).

It's a bit hard for me to find useful information about the differences between these versions since these games have been released in 2018 and a lot of information is based on older versions which undoubtedly have had a lot of improvements and patches by now.

Here are some things that describe our playstyle:

  • We only play docked with the Switch connected to the TV.
  • We don't play online (but are connected to the internet).
  • Local multiplayer / Split-screen is a important feature for us.
  • We like Mario!

Some worries that I have:

  • Is the Switch powerful enough for a smooth (split-screen) experience?
  • Does the game have some sort of singleplayer story mode/goals, or is it only a big sandbox?
  • I heard something about the Switch version having trouble with loading "Chunks" resulting in empty sections of the world for a couple of seconds while these "Chunks" are being loaded in the game when visiting new areas. Is this still present? If yes, does the PS5 version have the same issue?

Also, there seems to be a lot of (user generated) DLC. Are there some recommendations which ones to check out? For reference my Son likes Mario, Sonic, Disney (WALL-E / Encanto / Moana etc.), Lego.

I would kindly appreciate your feedback on which version to get :)

submitted by /u/ThaBEN
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