Invisible Chunks in 2D Plugin - help



I downloaded a 2D plugin which works great except for the chunks glitching invisible out of a certain render distance.

For context I use a 2 computer set-up where I play on my main account on my laptop in first person POV, then I use my alt account on my main computer which works as the 3rd person 'camera' (The plugin I'm currently using seems to use armour stands because transluscent ones appear on screen occasionally) So from my perspective where i'm playing it's first person and plays like normal minecraft but 2 blocks wide (with barrier block walls either side to stop me falling off), but the alt account sees me playing in a 2d world.

The problem is if I have my render distance set to 64 on the alt account, then it can see 64 chunks from spawn both ways but after that distance they are invisible to the alt account. The main account can see chunks fine at any render distance. The alt account can see running particles and block breaking textures in the invisible chunks though, it's like only the textures of the blocks are invisible.

Any advice on how to fix it ? D:

submitted by /u/IcyCull
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