is it just me, or is 1.21 going to be really good?

  • Thread starter /u/MiNcErAfTiSaWeSomE
  • Start date


So, they first add trial chambers, like a buffed dungeon with way more rewards and higher difficulty. (fun fact: it's the first time a mechanic was used with multiple players, that being the trial whatever). This is an awesome addition, just looking at it next to the other features kind of makes it look small :( but it is a great addition we welcome with open arms.

Then they proceed to add the VAULT, where you can open it no matter if others have opened it before. This will change how most people loot trial chambers and add some variety (although it is kinda sad they are using a really good placeholder for probably worse loot :( still cool) and makes the trial chambers better in the perfect way.

They THEN decide to add a new drop from the breeze which makes it so that you can literally use its ability: the wind charges, which depending on how you blast it, and how you time it, can give you different jump heights. I swear on my heart that most parkour servers will be impacted by this addition, as you can literally make some really fun, cool, and most of all hard parkour maps. Here is a perfect example from a Reddit post showcasing the possibilities that the wind charge can do (its a link) + (this came out a day ago at time of writing):

(New Defense Mechanism w/ wind charge by u/arciy)

And of course they had to have added the armadillo. (Because I wanna make this paragraph not look tiny, let me showcase the armadillo and its features). Its favorite food for some reason is Spider Eyes? It rolls up when it senses a threat (we'll dive into that later) and of course drops the scutes it was promised to drop (which it periodically does between 5-10 minutes, and you can also brush the armadillo with the archaeology brush to get a scute). The scutes allow you to craft wolf armor, which us players have been begging for Mojang to add for YEARS!! If you hurt it, or an undead mob is approaching, or you are sprinting, it will roll up, meaning you will have to walk to not make it roll up (Reference: Armadillo - Minecraft Wiki)

So overall, has Mojang made some good progress for 1.21? Definitely not enough for 6 months of work, but if we get some more combat and in general big reveals before its probable release in Summer 2024, I think it is a pretty good update, although we do need to see some more content for it to not be

While writing, I forgot to mention that wind charges can also be useful for PvP, as you can now conduct air PvP! An official post showcasing wind charge PvP is not here yet, but as time goes on the comments talking about will soon turn to posts, and I'll update the post when one does come out.

Why don't you just do it yourself?

I'm lazy.

Edit #1: I forgot so many things, but I'll only add the crafter for today, and the rest is saved tomorrow.

So for starters, this thing is AMAZING! It allows you to automatically craft any item in the crafting table, with you being able to disable slots so you can autocraft! This is going to impact farms and anything automatic that farms in general for probably years to come! If you are a redstoner, you are probably shaking in your knees also because of the copper bulb (ik about the controversial changes), which I'll talk more about once I'm done enjoying my Friday and Saturday!

submitted by /u/MiNcErAfTiSaWeSomE
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