Is it rare to hate "Is it rare" posts? Let's find out with a poll. (+What should I build here? posts)



Hello, you may recall 'is this rare' and 'what should I build here'? posts very narrowly avoided getting the axe in our first community vote a little while back. Much to the chargin of a lot of users. We've been seeing a lot of complaints about these kinds of posts, and I have since found out that if these votes had been considered under a more standard supermajority theshold of 66% rather than the chosen 70% they would have passed.

The combination of these factors leads me to ask the community again, should we ban 'is this rare' and 'what should I build here?' posts? To make it incredibly straightforward, here's a poll that runs for a week. Also if this seems sudden and rather candidly written, this was going to be reviewed anyway, but the bigger rule rewrite project that this re-poll was going to be part of is taking longer than expected, and these kinds of posts are getting consistent complaints.

As long as the combination of options 1, 2 and 3 add up to 66% of the vote, the highest voted option between the three will be implemented. If the combined percentage of all three is less than 66% then ban neither will win.

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submitted by /u/LexiTehGallade
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