is there a plugin/package to "imitate players/bots" for use in interactive AI economy; i.e. Bots/AI can own and interact with shops.



Hi all, I want to build an "advanced" economy plugin/wrapper - heavily inspired by Anno games (e.g. residents' needs vs. production chains). Already built a basic java prototype of the logic and interactions in such an economy, and it works out fine! So, I'm really excited for it! :) But hitting a bit of a roadblock...

I would like to build ontop of existing economy and shop plugins (no need to reinvent the wheel) and be somewhat agnostic about which shop plugin a server prefers to uses, since there are so many out there.

(I use the term "AI" here to represent the agents//whatever my script/plugin would do - these don't necessarily have to be "physical Entities" such as NPCs/villagers, or players; e.g. Citizens2; for the logic of the plugin they could purely exist "on paper", if that makes sense...)

However, there are 2 key premises:

1) there would be "physical shops" on the server, that should be owned and restocked by "AI" and not by players, but players can buy/sell to the AI, and not necessarily "Adminshops" with unlimited stock. (The shops could be placed / setup initially in the game world by a player though)

2) the AI is able to interact with shops; i.e. purchase from all shops - incl. AI and player owned shops. I.e. pay the owner and take part of the stock. Players and AI can both buy from Player and AI shops alike.

Especially the first part "owning shops" based on existing shop plugins is tricky, since they often reference a "player/offlineplayer" class/object as owner. This brings me to my main question:

Is there a way to "imitate player entities" (i.e. create bots?) that could be treated by any other plugin as a player; e.g. have a bank account, be able to own shops, have an inventory, pay and receive money etc.), only that their actions would be controlled by my plugin?

Think of these AI/bots as a ghosts that just exists in the databases, they don't necessarily have to "physically interact" with anything in the world, as if someone interacted with your shops while you were offline.

My main worry is performance - the plugin might end up simulating thousands of AI bots, but only through purchases of items in the shop, and keeping track of some numbers...

Would anyone have ideas for packages or approaches how to tackle this?

Many thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/j0g32
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