It is time Mojang re-evaluate their position on vertical slabs.

  • Thread starter /u/uberschnitzel13
  • Start date


Mojang has never given a coherent explanation as to why they refuse to implement this most basic day-one function into a block building game. In fact, they have added many things over the years that go directly against their declaration of features they supposedly will never add:

Furniture, decoration items: Features that inhibit natural creativity or can already be done in other ways are not being considered.

And yet the game has beds, lecterns, bookshelves, chiseled bookshelves, a million different shades of identical bricks, the chiseled variants of all of those bricks, bells, cakes, grindstones, stained glass panes, fletching tables, chains, iron bars, walls, and copies of all the log types with the bark removed.

Sideways slabs, vertical slabs, upright slabs, and variations thereof: Features that inhibit natural creativity or can already be done in other ways are not being considered.

None of the furniture and decor items I listed are necessary at all, they are all just incredibly specific pieces of furniture and decoration that remove any incentive to build anything resembling any of it with the base blocks of the game. Mojang has added hundreds of pieces of furniture and decoration items, and yet they refuse to give us the one thing all builders have been asking for since 2009: slabs that can be oriented sideways. We have stairs that can go upside down, how does that make any more sense?

It's time that Mojang either tells the building community the real reason they won't complete the game's core mechanics, or simply fix this issue and add vertical slabs. We've all been waiting for almost 15 years now for a response.

submitted by /u/uberschnitzel13
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