Iterate Hashmap every game tick

  • Thread starter /u/Jolo_Janssen
  • Start date


I am try make particles appear on previously saved locations. I have the locations saved in a Hashmap<Location, Integer> where Location stores the location of where the particles are supposed to appear and Integer to determine what type of particles. I use this for loop in a Task that runs every tick.

for (Location l : LightList.keySet()) { Bukkit.getLogger().info(l + LightList.get(l).toString()); l.getWorld().spawnParticle(Particle.END_ROD, l, 3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1); }

The task runs properly on its own (I tested) but this for loop only runs when the Hashmap is updated. What am i doing wrong?

TLDR: for loop only runs when Hashmap is updated instead of all the time.

submitted by /u/Jolo_Janssen
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