Just experienced a scenario the likes of which you'd expect to be part of some Youtuber's server series



I was not expecting this when I woke up today...

So me and my friends were doing a server to celebrate the new update, been on for a few days. One of them finally goes to summon the Wither, but they're overconfident, and don't think it's necessary to spawn it in a prepared area. He figured that even if it killed him, we have a gravestone mod, so he can dive right back in.

Well, apparently the server wanted to punish his hubris, and he experienced some lag while shooting at it, leading to a lot of arrows flying right through it, and he died. Oh well, round 2, right? Except, whether by design or by bug, his gravestone doesn't drop his loot. It drops a Wither Rose. Uh oh. He had all his gear on him.

So now we have a Wither on the loose about 500 blocks from our bases. While it's not flying directly to us, it is slowly floating closer despite the friend's efforts to use himself as a sacrificial lamb to lure it further away. And of course, most of the server isn't online at the moment to handle it. Only 3 of us are left to clean up the fourth's mess.

We load up on what meager supplies we can muster, bring our best gear, and run to where it was last seen... and things immediately go south with the Wither pinning us down under fire. We didn't have enough golden apples to keep up, and even my god apple was burned without making any meaningful progress. It didn't help that it was nighttime, lowering visibility. Especially since that lead to me falling into a crevice.

Since I left all my nonessential gear at home in case I died, I had no torches and no pickaxe, just wood to craft the minimum. I get a stone pick and some coal for torches and try to find where I was while my friends scatter, needing to regroup and get some backup. Trying to get out, I end up finding a dungeon which, and you can't make this up, had another god apple in one of the chests. With one more lifeline secure, I claw my way back up just as one of my friends returned, and we find where the Wither flew off to.

Things didn't go too much better at first, especially down a body, but eventually I found myself in another small cave with an overhang, having an angle to pepper the Wither with arrows where it couldn't easily retaliate. Of course, just as it's almost to half health, a zombie sneaks up behind me and knocks me into a lava pool, and in my panic, instead of using my water bucket on the edge to get rid of the lava, I use it in the pool, only turning a couple blocks and replacing it with a lava bucket. I manage to scramble my way back out and hide under another part of the overhang and recover.

I continue to shoot the Wither, getting it closer to half. My friends mention that they'll be back soon after they recruit another, but I tell them that it's almost to the halfway point and I'm running low on arrows to keep it there, and they rush back. As soon as the Wither hits half, it drops down through the roof I've been using as safety and gets in my face. I devour my god apple and begin hacking away as the other two show back up and begin slicing it into ribbons, and it finally falls.

I never would have though I'd take part in a scenario like this, especially one that just played out like that without any sort of scripting. But man did it feel awesome once we finally won

submitted by /u/SSJAncientBeing
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