(REQUEST) MergedMob


Name of plugin you want: MergedMob

Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mergedmob-significant-performance-improvement.11399/

Price: $15.50 (USD)

Why you want it: All other mob stacking plugins have been a failure in one way or another and this one is well maintained by the developer. (Frequent updates) The current merged mob plugin on spigot black is far out of date and i can not get a hold of the uploader.

Why you deserve it: I have spent numerous $ on spigot plugins but would like to be able to test this one out before deciding if i am going to buy it. Alot of Spigot Black members will appreciate it more than most plugins. This plugin should be well worth the time.

This one would be worth being a Vip Plugin
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