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Name of the plugin you want: MMOCore
Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mmocore.70575/
Price: 18.10 EUR - (USD$20.16)
How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: This is an amazing RPG plugin that goes above and beyond mcMMO, as the plugin is capable of so much more that it would keep the players occupied for an endless amount of time. The plugin even states in its header, "Replacing outdated and popular plugins, we aim to provide people the same customization and features there old favorite plugins used to offer." In addition, the plugin can be combined with another BlackSpigot leak to make it even better, MMOItems (https://blackspigot.com/downloads/mmoitems.14448/). Thanks.

Kind regards,
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    timojesus @ timojesus: I fixed some of the gifs for resource and rank prefix banners today, too ur ModelEngine its safe?