One of the problems with Minecraft meta is the lack of viable alternatives (e.g. Mending/anvils, iron farms)



The only reason Mending is mandatory is because of the prior work penalty in anvils. I understand why the prior work penalty was introduced when anvils were added a million years ago, I remember that there was a bit of controversy about being able to repair your tools instead of making new ones like it used to be before then (besides combining in inventory, which I've always done in early game without fail since it was added back in 2011 with release 1.0) but the game has changed significantly since anvils were added and this mindset no longer suits the state of the game today. Either the rest of the game systems should be brought in line with the anvil (which I think would be a catastrophic mistake) or the anvil should be brought forward to match the state of the game today.

The problem with the prior work penalty nowadays is that the price to repair grows exponentially and eventually becomes too high to repair. This essentially punishes players who put a lot of work into getting the perfect tool, because it means that after a certain amount of time repairing it they will no longer be able to do so, and have to waste time on a grind to get that tool all over again. The Mending enchantment becomes the only way to keep that tool around.

10 years ago this wasn't a problem but nowadays with all the enchantments, plus netherite gear upgrades and the scale of projects that players take on means that it's impractical to, say, have to spend hours killing mobs, mining, breeding, smelting, and then spinning the roulette wheel + going to villages every 4000-6000 blocks just so that they can rebuild another Efficiency V + Unbreaking III pickaxe, and then do it all again 4000-6000 blocks later. This incentivises building XP farms and trading halls, and then at that point Mending is just a quality of life thing: instead of having to spend a few extra seconds crafting a new pickaxe and combining books in an anvil, you can cut that part out and just chill in front of the XP grinder.

This is hardly engaging gameplay, and would happen even if Mending were removed or had never been added in the first place.

But players could be given a viable alternative if the cost to repair, in terms of both materials and XP were reduced. Then players would have the choice between repairing by mining minerals, and repairing by collecting XP. But at the moment the only way to work on a large scale in a reasonable timeframe is by first building XP farms and at the very least getting a librarian who sells Mending.

I have similar thoughts about iron farms: the only way to get enough iron for rails, hoppers, etc. on a large scale is iron farms, which far outpace everything else. They are mandatory if you want to get anything done in a reasonable timeframe. Iron veins are a bit disappointing. Most of them have a pretty decent iron yield if you mine them out, but the iron density and total amount you get isn't large enough to feel like you're not wasting time. Ore veins should generate such that you think you yourself "oh hell yeah, it'll be worth it to build a minecart track here" not "meh my iron farm can do better": I don't want to use iron farms, I don't like using iron farms and would much rather discover cool rich ore veins that I can then build infrastructure to that will last for ages, but the current state of things just makes it not worth it with the rather limited amount of time that I (and many other players) have. Having to mine 4 or 6 or 10 tuff per iron ore makes it feel like a slow process with very poor rewards for time spent, and the raw ore blocks that you find are more of a nuisance than anything, they take up a spot in your inventory that means you have to go back to empty your inventory earlier (at least if you're mining with silk touch) while not really being common enough to provide much benefit. Ultimately even if there is actually a lot of raw iron in a vein, it's rare enough that it doesn't feel like it's worth anything.

submitted by /u/JSTLF
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