(my english so bad sorry )
Name of plugin you want: PvPManager
Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/pvpmanager.10610/
Price: 8 EUR
Why you want it:I need this plugin for server. I have factions and i need edit PvP zones
Why you deserve it: I want a big server with more peoples and this plugin is for me rlly good please thank
Name of plugin you want: PvPManager
Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/pvpmanager.10610/
Price: 8 EUR
Why you want it:I need this plugin for server. I have factions and i need edit PvP zones
Why you deserve it: I want a big server with more peoples and this plugin is for me rlly good please thank