Spartan AntiCheat for Java and Bedrock/Geyser

FREE Spartan AntiCheat for Java and Bedrock/Geyser Phase 537.1


New Member
BeautyBunny updated Spartan AntiCheat for Java and Bedrock/Geyser with a new update entry:


[#] Balanced the probability positions that judge notifications, preventions & punishments.
[#] Fixed packets console error caused by reading the ProtocolLib handlers.
[#] Updated the Player Info inventory menu to be more easily understood.
[#] Added tracking for players connecting and disconnecting but also AFK to improve statistical accuracy.
[#] Made data pending mentions clearer to understand.
[#] Added new configuration named advanced.yml for more generalized options.

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New Member
BeautyBunny updated Spartan AntiCheat for Java and Bedrock/Geyser with a new update entry:


[#] Fixed rare async chunk Spartan data accessing console error.
[#] Added packet notification via the optional Awareness Notification feature.
[#] Corrected Velocity false positives caused by lag delay.
[#] Improved handling of Ghost blocks.
[#] Fixed some false positives related to the IrregularMovements Gravity detection.
[#] Fixed false teleportation with boat vehicles.
[#] Potentially fixed a Folia console error.

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New Member
BeautyBunny updated Spartan AntiCheat for Java and Bedrock/Geyser with a new update entry:


[#] Improved how certain statistical outcomes are calculated.
[#] Improved when certain logs are stored that lead to additional statistical improvements.
[#] Added timezone support to log dates so that when time changes, statistics don't break.
[#] Removed Chunk snapshots and instead relied on checking if a chunk is loaded to get data needed.
[#] Optimized and at the same time improved the measurement of online and AFK time.
[#] Changed the structure of certain logs to make them easier and...

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