Tic Tac Toe |1.8.8 up to 1.12|

Tic Tac Toe |1.8.8 up to 1.12| 1.2.0


Previously 8BiTH4cKeR
MC Models
8BiTH4cKeR submitted a new resource:

Tic Tac Toe |1.8.8 up to 1.12| - Play, win and earn points. New evolution of Tic Tac Toe!


Logic game with interesting features! Plugin is fully customizable and support Vault for Money rewards.

Read if you are updating to 1.1.0 version from older version!
In languages files were small changes! It is recommended update it. New languages files, you can find it in this page or you can delete langauge file. At start of server, plugin automatically create new langauge file....

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