(REQUEST) Trade+ 1.7.10 - 1.16.x 3.79.5


New Member
  • Name of the plugin you want: Trade+ ✱ Trade items, money, tokens, protection blocks and more in an elegant GUI ✱ 1.7.10 - 1.16.x 3.79.5
  • Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...more-in-an-elegant-gui-✱-1-7-10-1-16-x.23138/
  • Price: 7.50 USD.
  • How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: Trade+ has been offered mulitple times on blackspigot until august 2020. Recently Minecraft updated to v1.16.5 and with that the latest version stopped working (at least for me). I tried regenerating every file but to no avail. I'm hoping the plugin version: 3.79.5 fixes the bugs to get it running properly again.
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