VoteParty [New Vote Reminders & NuVotifier Bungee Support] [All-In-One Voting Plugin]

VoteParty [New Vote Reminders & NuVotifier Bungee Support] [All-In-One Voting Plugin] 2.37


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Jumper20 submitted a new resource:

VoteParty [New Vote Reminders & NuVotifier Bungee Support] [All-In-One Voting Plugin] - Vote Rewards, Cumulative Voting, Parties, Leaderboards, Crates, Bungee, Reminders, and more! 1.8+





Reward all online players with customizable rewards when your server gets a certain amount of votes through Votifier!

This system will encourage community involvement with...​

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    FoxH @ FoxH: i thought for vip its 25