1.8-1.19 ✅ AdvancedSpawners ✅ 11x CUSTOM MOBS ⭕ CREATE CUSTOM MOBS IN-GAME ⚡ 25% SALE ⚡

SpigotVIP 1.8-1.19 ✅ AdvancedSpawners ✅ 11x CUSTOM MOBS ⭕ CREATE CUSTOM MOBS IN-GAME ⚡ 25% SALE ⚡ 3.8.0

  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 3.2.9
there are new updates 3.3.4-2
Update for 1.17.1 please
Not working ,
PLS update 3.2.2 :D Thanks
plz update
great leak
Acutally, maybe its just for me but when I have like 10 spawners stacked. When they spawn the mob / animal it like spams out so it increase with like 50 each sec or more
Good plugin, how i use with ASkyBlock?
not working, pls update on 1.16x asap
not working
Mob not spawn
Such a nice plugin please update the latest version
Update please.
pls update.
a bit buggy:( spawns really fast idk why?
Thanks for the plugin!
Updite for 1.16, pls :c
  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 2.2.6
Thank you but the some changes in some yml Files are not working so i cant change many things pls fix <3
Very good plugin, but needs updating because it contains many visual bugs and updates from the creators don't catch on, and error of leaving negative money in your store
custom mobs spawners spawn really really fast . hope u fix this
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