!! 20% SALE !! ⭕ Marcely's Bedwars ⭕ Supports 1.8 - 1.19 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ EST. 2015

EXCLUSIVE SpigotVIP !! 20% SALE !! ⭕ Marcely's Bedwars ⭕ Supports 1.8 - 1.19 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ EST. 2015 5.3.2

This version fixes a start-up problem that appeared within version 1.17 - 1.18.2. There is no need to update if you aren't using either of these versions. Note that the version number hasn't changed internally.

Fixed bug:
  • Fixed that the plugin occasionally wouldn't start on 1.17 - 1.18.2
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