Additions+ | Custom Commands, Menus, Books, Actions, Nametags and much more | 1.8-1.14

SpigotVIP Additions+ | Custom Commands, Menus, Books, Actions, Nametags and much more | 1.8-1.14 2.2.4

Added 1.15 support!
Added a command to create custom command in-game: /customcommand.
Added number support for gamemodes. The [gamemode] action and {gamemode} placeholder now support the number 0, 1, 2 and 3 for gamemodes.
Recoded the custom signs system. It wasn't working as it should. It now supports per-player placeholders (and general ones) using PAPI.
Fixed the [target] action. We made some faults in our code which caused it to not target the specified player, but instead throw an error.
This update is important for everyone that's using the nametag system. Because we recoded it. But don't worry, nothing has changed config-wise. Nametags would be messy and different per player when animated. But that time is over now because we added synchronic animation to the tags. All players with the same tag now are in sync.
The permissions for the tags are now NO LONGER given when OP!

Recoded the nametags system. It's now in sync among all players within the same tag group.
Fixed the nametags permissions. OPs now no longer have them by default. That way they don't get random tags.
Fixed the [clearchat] action. It was not completely clearing the chat.
Fixed the [everyone] action. It was ignoring the main player of the actions (for commands the sender, for menus the clicker, etc.)
Added [targetworld] action which allows you to only target the players in those words. Supports multiple worlds.
Fixed [everyone], [target] and [targetworld] targetting the wrong player as it also targetted the player itself.