[Added] Holograms plugin support
[Added] Stats purging. Disabled by default.

[Fixed] Some small bugs
[Fixed] A bug with config updating
[Fixed] Performance improvement
  • Added MyPet support
  • Added arena option 'pets-allowed' to allow/disallow use pets on the arena
  • Added arena option 'kit-limits' to limit amount of players with specified kit
  • Fixed some bugs with player items and armour
  • Fixed a bug where signs not auto-updated
  • Fixed sign break bug in creative
  • Fixed duplicated messages on arena end by timeleft
  • Fixed some ConcurrentModificationException errors
  • Fixed a bug where kit gui breaks after...
  • Added support for Spigot 1.12
  • Added support for Essentials (God mode)
  • Fixed a bug where boss wave with mobs not freezed
  • Fixed a bug with commands where arena name was invalid
  • Fixed a bug with kit description in Kit GUI Editor
  • Fixed a bug where scoreboard doesn't updates if timeleft was disabled in the arena
  • Fixed bugs with /ama kit commands (create, setchest)
  • Please read before update:
  • New waves config has options that are different from default config, be careful when copying your settings!
  • Added config file for Waves (waves.yml)
  • Added config file for Bosses (bosses.yml)
  • Fixed a bug with kit permissions
  • Fixed bugs with mob spawning
  • Fixed some bugs with wolves and mounts
  • Fixed many console errors
  • Fixed many bugs with player's stats
  • Fixed many bugs with arena timeleft
  • Fixed many bugs...
  • Version with bugs
  • Fixed bugs with mob spawning
  • Fixed bugs with player death in arena
  • Fixed bugs with arena locations: spawn, lobby, leave, etc.
  • Fixed NPC doesn't work
  • Fixed a bug where arena says that mob spawners aren't setted
  • Fixed bugs with mob spawners in arena GUI editor
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    Arctomium @ Arctomium: Anyone got the latest version of Custom Crops?