
Show your players a better list of all online players! You define the groups and formatting, giving you the most customizability over how your player list is displayed!

Just like The Archon!
Not just that, it's fully customizable!
Add or remove groups as you wish!

BungeeCord support!
The plugin is compatible with both Bukkit
and Bungee, meaning that you can modify
your list command globally!

Fully customizable!
You get to choose the formatting, groups
and anything in between for each rank!


I gave myself the "archonlist.owner" permission and negated the rest. The permission nodes and ranks are fully customizable. Note that the default config has some groups removed for the sake of simplicity, but it's easy to re-add them.

If you choose to install the plugin on a Bukkit based server, just drag and drop the jar into the plugins folder as normal.
If you choose BungeeCord instead, make sure the jar is in your Bungee's plugins folder. You do not need the jar on any of the Bukkit servers. This means Bungee permissions will be used instead of Bukkit permissions.

description: "Allows you to use the list command."
default: op

# Please don't change the config version.
config-version: 2

- "glist"
- "archonlist"
- "list"
- "essentials:list"
- "elist"
- "essentials:elist"
- "online"
- "essentials:eek:nline"
- "eonline"
- "essentials:eonline"
- "playerlist"
- "essentials:playerlist"
- "eplayerlist"
- "essentials:eplayerlist"
- "plist"
- "essentials:plist"
- "eplist"
- "essentials:eplist"
- "who"
- "essentials:who"
- "ewho"
- "essentials:ewho"

before: []
- "&c&lArchon&8 >> &6There are &a%online%&8/&a%max% &6players online."

format: "&8[&aVIP&8] &7[&a%online% Online&7] &7%players%"
splitter: "&a, &7"
no-players: "&cNone"
permission: ""
use-display-name: false
format: "&8[&6YouTuber&8] &7[&a%online% Online&7] &7%players%"
splitter: "&a, &7"
no-players: "&cNone"
permission: "archonlist.youtuber"
use-display-name: false
format: "&8[&3Helper&8] &7[&a%online% Online&7] &7%players%"
splitter: "&a, &7"
no-players: "&cNone"
permission: "archonlist.helper"
use-display-name: false
format: "&8[&5Mod&8] &7[&a%online% Online&7] &7%players%"
splitter: "&a, &7"
no-players: "&cNone"
permission: "archonlist.mod"
use-display-name: false
format: "&8[&cAdmin&8] &7[&a%online% Online&7] &7%players%"
splitter: "&a, &7"
no-players: "&cNone"
permission: "archonlist.admin"
use-display-name: false
format: "&8[&4Owner&8] &7[&a%online% Online&7] &7%players%"
splitter: "&a, &7"
no-players: "&cNone"
permission: "archonlist.owner"
use-display-name: false

The ArchonListEvent is fired whenever a list is due to be displayed to someone. You can cancel the event and also modify the messages due to be sent.

Terms and Conditions (read me before buying):
This invoice is for the purpose of receiving access to digitally download a resource from Terrobility ([email protected]). When accepting to pay for this invoice, the buyer agrees to our non-refundable agreement stating that no refunds will be granted by the Seller. The Buyer also agrees not to open a dispute with PayPal or his financial firm (Banks, Credit Cards, etc.). NO refunds will be granted after the buyer has completed the payment. By purchasing, you agree that access to the resource may be withdrawn at any time for any reason and that support is not guaranteed. The plugin and it's respective code and resources may not be resold or redistributed in any manner or form.

Latest reviews

Great resource! ;)

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