☄️Aurora☄️| Ambient Particle Display - Customisable Per-Biome

 ☄️Aurora☄️| Ambient Particle Display - Customisable Per-Biome 4.1.0-Fixed

☄️Aurora☄️| Ambient Particle Display - Customisable Per-Biome

Illuminate the night with breathtaking ambient particle effects

Aurora provides a unique experience for all players by generating dynamic ambient particle effects using a high-performance particle engine. All particles are fully configurable and can be customised per-biome to fit each server's needs. The base plugin comes with multiple high-quality default configs covering all particle shapes Aurora has to offer, available for almost all vanilla biomes.
Dependencies: LightAPI

1.17 jar


  • Highly configurable
    • Over 50+ particle types
    • 7 unique particle shapes
      • Point
      • Line
      • Cube
      • Ring
      • Circle
      • Wave
    • All shape parameters (size, height, ...) can be modified
    • Combine multiple particle groups in a single biome
  • No setup required
    • Base plugin comes with 40+ unique particle configs
    • Available for almost all vanilla biomes
    • Simply drag & drop the plugin to get started
  • Cross-version compatibility
    • Incompatible biomes & particles will automatically be disabled instead of breaking the plugin
  • Full custom biome support
    • Use Aurora with your favourite custom terrain generators
    • All datapacks which inject custom biomes are also fully compatible
  • WorldGuard per-region support
    • Set particles based on WorldGuard regions instead of using biomes
    • Perfect for Lobby or RPG servers
  • Per-player toggle & permission support
    • Allow players with low-end setups to disable Aurora's ambient particles client-side via a command
    • Permission nodes to make ambient particles only available to donators
  • View per-biome & global particle stats
    • Easily find enabled particles in a particular biome or region for faster navigation and configuration
    • Toggle globally enabled particles with the use of a command
  • Extensive developer API
    • Give your own developers the ability to hook into Aurora's API
    • Create stunning custom particle shapes and designs
  • High-performance with async code
    • Aurora can utilise multiple cores for intensive particle-management tasks
  • One of a kind
    • The first-ever public plugin on SpigotMC to introduce ambient particle effects
    • Enhance your server experience like never before









Permission to see all ambient particles. Required to use any Aurora command
/aurora help
Help command to show all possible arguments
/aurora toggle <on/off>
Toggle client-side ambient particle effects
/aurora reload
Reload all plugin configs and particle files
/aurora status
View information on enabled particles in the server
/aurora fixlighting [radius]
Update and refresh lighting on [radius] nearby chunks

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