BackPackPlus [1.8-1.19]⚡Asynchronous⚡✅Unlimited Storage✅

EXCLUSIVE SpigotVIP BackPackPlus [1.8-1.19]⚡Asynchronous⚡✅Unlimited Storage✅ 1.0.0 - 1.0.5

BackPackPlus [1.8-1.19]⚡Asynchronous⚡✅Unlimited Storage✅
The entirety of this plugin is documented on the wiki


BackPackPlus allows players to upgrade their backpack by purchasing slots that they will be able to use. You are able to limit how many slots each player is able to purchase and can even modify the layout of the backpacks for each player. BackPackPlus is very customizable.



  • Different sized backpack for each player
  • Different backpack layout for each player
  • Async loading and saving of data
  • Vouchers to redeem slots
  • Offline access to player backpacks
  • Reward players with more backpack slots or even the ability to purchase more backpack slots

This plugin depends on:
  • Vault
  • Economy Plugin

Setup of BackPackPlus is simple.
You just need to drop the .jar into your plugins folder and start your server.
To configure this plugin, check the wiki for more info.

The main command that this plugin uses is /backpack

/backpack <page>

The page is not required.
Permission: bpp.command.backpack

/backpack can also be used to open another player's backpack

Usage: /backpack <player> <page>

Again, page is not required.
Permission: bpp.command.backpack.others

The other command that the plugin uses is /bpadmin



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