BossMania || Custom-Mobs-Creator *GUI-Based Frequently updated [1.13-1.19.3]

 BossMania || Custom-Mobs-Creator *GUI-Based Frequently updated [1.13-1.19.3] 1.9.22

Added: *A button in the Sounds GUI named Disable default sounds that allows you to disable default sounds of the mob.
Added: *You can now customize boss sounds.
Fixed: *A bug with the DespawnAfter button, that was making sometimes crash the server.
Added: *doesBossPropertyOfEggOwner option in the config that allows you to set if a boss spawned from an egg should be ally of the player that spawned him.
Added: *bossEggName option in the config that allows you to set the name of the egg given with the /bossmania giveegg command.
Fixed: *A bug with the eggs.
Added: */bossmania giveegg <boss> <amount> command that allows you to get an egg that spawns a boss.
Added: *More options in the attributes GUI.
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