Don't post Problems and Bugs into the Reviews, PM me!
This resource works with UUID's
so it does NOT work with Cracked Server
BungeeCord (1.7-1.13)
MySQL Database
web space (Optional)
- Ban and MutePoints : With Layouts you can decide how long a Player is banned. The layout can be changed in the Config.yml
- Ban and Mute Layouts : Ban a Player with a predeterminated Layout from the Config.yml
- ID system: Every Ban and Mute becomes a ID.
- History: Get all the Statistics about a Player (Ban's, Mute's, MutePoint's and BanPoint's)
- Web interface: Create ingame a account for the web interface.
- Reportsystem with ID's: Each Report will be saved into the Database. Reports can be closed.
- TPServer: Teleport to a player over the network.
- Staff chat: Chat with the team. Easy to use: Write a @Staff or @Support in the front of the Message.
- Global Chat: Write a Global Message with a @Global before the Message.
- Broadcast: Players with the Permission recived a message when someone Mute's, Kick's or Ban's a Player.
- Ping: Show your Ping or see the Ping of another Players.
- Title Announce: Write a Message and it will displayed in the Middle of the Screen.
- ClearChats: Clear the Chat of the Complete Network or only for single Servers!
- Autobroadcaster: Send a Atomaticly Message to every Server.
- PlayerInfo: Get a Playerinfo of a Selected Player (Name, UUID, Online / Offline, Rank, Server, Ban & Mutepoints, Banned & Muted Time, ...)
- Advanced Chatfilters: Caps-Block Mute by Using vorbidden words, Chatting-Delay, .....)
- TeamList: Shows the Teammembers with Rank, and Current Server.
- BanInfo: Shows the Info of a Ban (Ban-ID, Banned by, Reason, Start, End, Type, Proof)
- Proof system: Save a Proof (Youtube-Link or Chatlog Link or else) to know why the player is banned.
- Fully Configurable: You can change all the messages and commands.
- Auto-Configcheck: If something is missing in the Config.yml or messages.yml it will be added automaticly
Configs and Help
Code (text):
Permission Bansystem. *
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Questions can be submitted at any time.
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