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Call of Duty Zombies

  1. Zombies Update 1.6.1
    Bug fixes:
    - Fixed unrepairable barricades in versions 1.9+
    - Fixed hellhounds dying instantly upon spawning
    - Removed console spam when using BungeeCord
    Mats9799, Yesterday at 2:40 PM Report Like
    dwgr8ergolfer and Konbbomba like this.
  2. Zombies Update 1.6.0
    New features:
    - New configurations for BungeeCord mode have been added! Games running with BungeeCord mode will send players to another server when they leave or when the game is over making the game isolated from the rest of the server
    - A new powerup makes it's debut: the carpenter! This powerup repairs all barricades in the arena when picked up

    - Arenas can now contain multiple mystery boxes. After being opened a couple of times the wither skull (teddy bear) will appear and move the box to a different location. Also the setmysterybox command has been renamed to addmysterybox
    - The mystery boxes' GUI has been replaced by a hologram and players now actually have to come over to the box to acquire their weapon
    - Doors now get their materialdata saved which means you can eg. add doors of coloured wool and not have them turned into the default white wool when the game starts!
    - Improved barricade repairing
    - Made some hardcoded text values configurable

    Bug fixes:
    - Creating and removing arena with spaces in their name works properly now.

    Updating instructions:
    Mystery boxes are being indexed now which means your old unindexed mystery box won't load properly anymore. It is highly recommended to first remove your mystery boxes before installing the update. You can simply do this by executing /zombies remove <your game id> <your arena name> <section name of mystery box> mysterybox 0. After doing this for all your arenas you can install the update and add the mystery box again with the addmysterybox command.
    2. Add these lines your config.yml:
    Code (Text):
    # BungeeCord configurations

    # Enable BungeeCord mode
    enabled: false

    # Set to true if you want to play join the game when they join the server.
    game-on-join: true

    # The MOTD changes depending on the state of the game.
    ingame: "&4&lINGAME"
    joinable: "&lJOINABLE"
    resetting: "&9&lRESETTING"

    # The server the players will be sent to when they exit the game.
    tp-server: lobby

    # Enable whitelisting when the game is in progress.
    whitelist: true

    # An inactive mystery box's will be set to this type
    game-mystery-box-material: 120

    # The maximum health monsters can receive in a round
    # Make sure to edit the max health attribute in the spigot.yml if you wish to go over the 2048.0 value
    round-max-health: 2048.0
    3. Add these lines your language file:
    Code (Text):
    command-description-addmysterybox: "adds a mystery box to an arena"

    item-perk-double-tap-root: "Double Tap Root"
    item-perk-juggernog: "Juggernog"
    item-perk-speed-cola: "Speed Cola"
    item-perk-stamin-up: "Stamin-Up"
    item-powerup-carpenter: "Carpenter"
    item-powerup-double-points: "Double Points"
    item-powerup-fire-sale: "Fire Sale"
    item-powerup-insta-kill: "Insta Kill"
    item-powerup-max-ammo: "Max Ammo"
    item-powerup-nuke: "Nuke"
    item-purchase-discard: "DISCARD"
    item-purchase-purchase: "PURCHASE"

    setup-mysterybox-add: "&aYou have added a mystery box to section &f{SECTION}&a with ID &f{ID}&a."
    Mats9799, Sunday at 2:07 PM Report Like
    Wichier, dwgr8ergolfer and Konbbomba like this.
  3. Zombies Update 1.5.5
    - Added the /zombies remove command. No more need to delete entire arenas after making setup mistakes! Check the command description on the plugin page for how to exactly use it.

    Bug fixes:
    - Fixed barricade loading (Apologies if this caused errors for you!)
    - Fixed the game clearing the cache.yml in certain circumstances

    Updating instructions:
    Add these lines to your language file:
    Code (Text):
    command-description-remove: "removes a component from an arena"

    setup-component-remove: "&aYou have removed the &f{COMPONENT} &awith ID &f{ID} &afrom section &f{SECTION}&a."
    setup-invalid-component: "&c{COMPONENT} is not a valid component type."
    setup-invalid-component-id: "&cThere is no {COMPONENT} in section {SECTION} with ID {ID}."
    setup-specify-component: "&cSpecify a component type. (door, itemchest, monsterspawn, mysterybox, perk, powerswitch)"