This update contains:
  • Removal of command adding on anvil.
  • Removal of strip color adding on anvil because you were able to use &r.
  • This removal of feature does not mean that I decrease some good or positive things in the plugin, this is necessary and good for plugin.
  • Adding NBT Tag method is ready in anvil but not yet implemented.
This update contains:
  • More easy to use.
  • Methods to use everywhere.
  • List improved and now can be viewed using GUI.
  • Sort code.
  • Fixed bugs.
  • Rename wrong spelling class.
  • Added comments so it won't be hard on debugging.
  • Added some methods so there is no redundant method.
  • More cleaner code and more faster to be on touch when bug came.
  • Fixed check for version.
  • Fixed lore adding on adding a command.
  • Fixed bug that were unable to load
  • More informative and friendly user plugin
  • This will check the version if it is old or nut and needs to be updated.
  • Major fix on anvil crafting.
  • Added commands, color, and strip color to the anvil ( Check the description )
  • Fixed spelling.
Leakers Note : Please Give me a positive rating as a token of appreciation
  • Added permission it could be customrecipe.craft.<recipeName> recipe name is case sensitive or customrecipe.craft.* for all items.
  • Fixed anvil bugs.
  • Clean code.
  • Delete all unused code and redundant method.
  • Fixed NPEs.
  • Fixed Anvil Recipe it prepares already the recipe so you do not have to click the air to get the recipe.
  • Fixed /cr clear command.
I just fixed something at the java file please use this version instead of the old one :D
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    Arctomium @ Arctomium: Anyone got the latest version of Custom Crops?