

This update took longer than expected, but provides 1.19.3 support!
Notably, no more names showing up in tablist for player skins, unless you want to!

Please note that this is disabled if you're using viabackwards, and will go back to the old code.

There is no support for the new experimental features in 1.19.3, wait until they're released for real.

  • Better handle client interaction packets async
  • Fixed an issue with item frames
  • Added faster reflection
  • Added more fast reflection, thanks okx-code!
  • Fixed upside down or rainbow wool interacting badly with custom names
  • Fixed a bad permissions check using translations
  • Fixed translations not using utf-8 explicitly
  • Fixed non-plugin folder installs not working
  • Removed ability of commands to access setItemInMainHand(Material)
  • Fixed custom builds of ProtocolLib not being detected as custom
  • Fixed piglin angry sound not working
  • Hide purpur's modded server decision so its no longer reported as an error
  • Removed 1.19.0 support
  • Added setUnsafeSize to slime disguises, only accessible by OPs
  • Some small code cleanup

(Now craked)
This update took longer than expected, but provides 1.19.3 support!
Notably, no more names showing up in tablist for player skins, unless you want to!

Please note that this is disabled if you're using viabackwards, and will go back to the old code.

There is no support for the new experimental features in 1.19.3, wait until they're released for real.

  • Better handle client interaction packets async
  • Fixed an issue with item frames
  • Added faster reflection
  • Added more fast reflection, thanks okx-code!
  • Fixed upside down or rainbow wool interacting badly with custom names
  • Fixed a bad permissions check using translations
  • Fixed translations not using utf-8 explicitly
  • Fixed non-plugin folder installs not working
  • Removed ability of commands to access setItemInMainHand(Material)
  • Fixed custom builds of ProtocolLib not being detected as custom
  • Fixed piglin angry sound not working
  • Hide purpur's modded server decision so its no longer reported as an error
  • Removed 1.19.0 support
  • Added setUnsafeSize to slime disguises, only accessible by OPs
  • Some small code cleanup
1.17 support! Oh sorry, to clarify this is 1.17.1 not 1.17.0!
This should've been out sooner honestly, but issues keep popping up and I'm overwhelmed with work.

* Fixed some disguise methods not working
* setDynamicName now works in more scenarios that should've worked to begin with
* Adventure text is now shaded in the plugin, making it easier to do custom messages
* Fixed startups not handling errors properly
* Added modifyuuid alias to modifyplayer command
* 1.17 support
* Bump required PL version for 1.17
* Fixed scoreboard teams not updating for player disguises
* Fixed disguise events method names being missing
* Fixed a small error for weird urls for grabskin command
* Shulker disguises can now move around in 1.17
* Changed PL update message and removed a terrible idea for spamming normal users too
* Removed unused BlowDisguises config option
* Fixed inventory packets sometimes hooking into the wrong part
* Fixed y modifier offset not properly being applied in many cases
* Fixed a small issue with /disguisemodify help
* Fixed ender_crystal popping into the ground
* Fixed versions prior to 1.16 not getting colored chat with adventure text
* Injected a secret thingy that doesn't exist and this message is superfluous.
Hi hi hi

Summed up, lots of fixes, translations should now be easier to write and if you want you can do fancy messages with paper using adventure text stuff and so on.
And added Java 16 support. You shouldn't be on Java 16 though. It's a bad decision by Minecraft 1.17 and FAWE as it is not a long term support release.

* Fixed /vsd being in the /disguiseviewbar command
* Fix a minor issue with -Redacted- /reloads
* Fixed evoker fangs disappearing after disguising
* Fixed an error when updating ProtocolLib through the plugin
* Fixed a weird issue where sometimes json would fail to deserialize
* Evoker Fangs and Fireworks now start their disguises nicer
* Github is now contacted less, fixes a contacted too many times error
* Metadata is no longer sent for inactive disguises
* Disguises are now tried to not refresh if they don't have to be
* Wolf setAngry has been changed to setAnger which is an int
* Removed a duplicate and ignored config option
* Disguise event now contains the command sender if applicable
* AddFutureDisguise has an issue fixed where it wouldn't take effect
* Changed an API method for disguise cloning
* SetGlowColor is now fully implemented
* No longer uses self disguises scoreboards and all disguises now have scoreboards
* Fixed max health on disguises not working properly, added golem cracked support
* Invalid jars for premium check are now deleted automatically
* Hex support fully added
* Removed some placeholders that were duplicates
* MiniMessage from Adventure Text is now used when possible, translations converted to cover this
* LD should now forcibly update if it starts up with an error
* Fixed a small issue with utility commands now working properly in 1.12
* Falling Block now works properly on 1.12 again
* Java 16 support added
* Fixed llama unable to remove carpet
* Fixed modify collisions config option not being respected
* Fixed a distance in different worlds error
* Name lengths are now properly enforced on player disguises
* Fixed a 'classes' error that was harmless
* Saved Disguises are now saved in human readable format along with the disguise custom data
* Added a warning for offline players if they're grabbing skins, may be inaccurate cos its their own fault
* Added support for mineskin api to provide a key for faster skins
* Translations log messages has been improved
* Translations now remove duplicate strings
* setRightClicking should now be covered properly for stuff like shields
* Wither skull now looks up/down properly
* Exp should now display nicely and no longer disappear in fire
* Added a .5 second rate limit to players using disguise commands to try prevent possible issues
* Add a check to make sure disguises don't run in an offline world
* Added a new config option to cover creative self disguises removing armor
* Placeholders now treat target as sender when sender is null. Placeholders are covered in the wiki
* Toggling of self disguises is now better
* setDynamicName now works properly for player disguises and player entities
This update is mostly due a sudden surge of a configuration exception being removed from some servers, which makes an error.

Two big changes!

The first is that the configuration system is converted over to its own folder and separated into multiple files. This cannot be converted back to the old system, and instead you'll need to manually copy all the text into a single file again.

The second is that you can now customize commands including their name, permission, aliases, etc.

  • Fixed an error where metadata wouldn't be sent properly for player disguises for servers that use a lot of them
  • Dependencies are no longer passed onto plugins relying on this as an API
  • Rate limiting is now much more smarter for github release checking
  • Fixed the plugin not being smarter about where the update folder is
  • Armorstands on player disguises are now trying to be smarter when its still loading the skin
  • Packets are no longer sent anyways when the player can't see that disguise
  • Invisibility meta on player disguises is now sent a tick later to try prevent a glimpse of player disguise
  • Fixed an error when updating ProtocolLib
  • Fixed an error when a scoreboard team was null
  • Team packets are now handled async
  • Removed an exception from imports as someone has removed it from their server software and I don't want to bother checking who or why
  • Fixed an error when a player didn't exist for inventory packet handling
  • Fixed an explicit permission issue where it didn't work to enable parameters
  • Added support for displaying health below names
  • MineSkin api calls are now handled smarter and enforces a better delay
  • Added ability to customize Lib's Disguises commands registration
  • Fix an issue where a player is riding a disguised entity, disguised as a player
  • Rewrote config system to move it into the configs folder in seperate configs
  • "" a blank name is no longer used, and instead "LD_NoName" is used to fix an issue with another plugin
  • Fixed name not updated when setting name visible, or deadmau, or upside down
Hi! This update fixes several issues and now has a "better" ProtocolLib enabling functionality. In that it downloads the plugin if not found, or updates it if its outdated a lot.

  • Console now notes how many saved disguises were saved
  • Particle, Falling block and itemstack serialization are now handled correctly
  • Disguised dogs are now sittable with some hackyness
  • Fixed a damage sound issue for non-living disguised
  • Bounding boxes can now be modified unsafely for the rare people who do per-player disguises
  • Fixed an issue with experience disguise
  • Fixed a problem where the metadata on a disguise sometimes wasn't initialized, or was null
  • The /saveskin now assumes the name from the file.png as well
  • Thanks to PimvanderLoos for their fixes with the recent ProtocolLib changes breaking the plugin
  • ProtocolLib is no longer required to be downloaded manually, it auto downloads if not found
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    zerac @ zerac: recomiendan algun plugin para utilizar en un server hibrido con spigot+forge?