- Added placeholder for 2 and 3 places in Dragons ending message.
- %place_2% and %place_3%
- Code (Text):
- '&7&m---------------&7[&c&lDRAGON ESCAPE&7]&m-------------' - ' '- - '&7Winner: %winner%'
- '&72nd: %place_2%'
- '&73rd: %place_3%'
- ' '
- '&7&m----------------------------------'- If empty will be replaced with Messages.Empty-Value.
- Spawns in Dragons should be more randomized now.
- Scoreboard in lobby should now update correctly.
- Fixed DragonMaster kit typo giving incorrect items.
- You have to change that manually if you are updating, change the item in DragonMaster from IRON to IRON_AXE.
- Fixed players being killed by void in PRE GAME state.
- Fixed water causing damage in PRE GAME state.
- Fixed PvP being enabled.
- Fixed default title for game starting not displaying time.
- You have to change that manually if you are updating, change the value of Messages.Titles.Subtitles.Starting to %time%.
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