⭐ EasyBackup ⭐ Easy and powerful backup service - Protecting servers since 2015

SpigotVIP ⭐ EasyBackup ⭐ Easy and powerful backup service - Protecting servers since 2015 3.3.7


  • Java 17 | This plugin now officially supports java 17, however it'll need the new EasyBackupCore to function properly. It'll be automatically downloaded on the first start. On bungee cord servers, you'll have to restart the server once after the installation to enable the core.
  • Spigot 1.18 support | EasyBackup should now run fine on all 1.18 servers
  • Improved FTP speeds | You can now configure the buffer size for ftp uploads in the config, which should increase the ftp transfer speed a lot
  • Bug Fixes | Deleted files will no longer throw an exception if still referenced by the config
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