EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More

 FREE EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More v2.3.3

Reviews 4.14 star(s) 15 reviews

update please, nice job!
update please, 23/08/2021
Plugin disables by itself tested on 1.16.5. Error occurred while enabling EliteEnchantments v1.7.1 (Is it up to date?)
Great leak please update
oh wow, 3months and no update :(
Nice, please update if possible
You got the wrong file :(
I download ChatControl-9.0.0 :c
What command do i use to buy the white scrolls etc ?
1.2.6 HOTFIX is working.... But 1.2.7 or 1.2.8 are not. Some google error or something like thtat
Works as well as expected.
Well played...
I guess I couldn't fool you :P Somehow you got the jar working very smart.
Would appreciate it if you left a link to the resource on spigot since you are kinda uploading a plugin that took me 6 months to make.
:P Appreciate it my guy

Will do that for you!
Jar is b roken
It doesnt Work The Error Is Is It Up to date and its running on 1.1.6 version according to the console
please update to the newest version 1.1.6
ta bueno :)