Update/Change Logs:
- Fixed issue with rewards coming as 0
- Fixed issue with instant rewards
- Fixed issue with 1.14 items
- Added plugin versioning
Update/Change Logs:
- Added Pages to the reward page (Allows more than 32 rewards now)
- Fixed Dupe bug with levitation animation
- Fixed issues with stacked lootboxes
- Fixed issues with animation glitch
Update/Change Logs:
- Fixed issue with sounds
- Fixed issue with /el create
- Fixed issue with /el reload
- Fixed issue with frame lag
- Fixed issue with Instant Reward
Update/Change Logs:
+ Redone Drop Package Animation (Bit more smooth)
+ Added 1.14.3 Support
+ Added AnimationManaging (Backend Stuff)
+ Ability to add your own animations
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Update/Change Logs:
+ Removed redundant code
+ Adjusted the lootbox gui mechanics
+ Added some more support for languages
Bug Fixes:
+ Fixed issues with /el reload
Update/Change Logs:
+ Added /lootbox gui for normal players.
Shows a full list of lootboxes
You can disable it in the config.yml and you can configure the message players get when they click on a lootbox
+ Redone some backend animation mechanics
+ Adjusted the command mechanics.
+ Redone all gui mechanics
Bug Fixes:
+ Fixed errors with lootbox animation
+ Fixed issues with errors with guis
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