Tested Minecraft Versions:
If your server faces a problem with players spawning too many entities (mobs/animals), you can control the spawning with this plugin.
You can set the maximum spawn number per chunk/plot for each entity type.
If you have a region management plugin such as:
You can find the types of entities at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
Permission Node:
You just need to install EntityControl.jar in the plugins folder.
You do not need these plugins but if you have one EntityContol's plot support can be turned on :
Code (Text):
# This is a template config file
# define your parameter and its value like:
ErrorMsg : "&c[EC] : Some error occured."
EnoughEntity: "&a[EC] : There are enough entity of %type% type in this chunk!"
EntityCount : "&a[EC] : The number of &e%type% &ais &e%count%"
msg: "=== &e[&aEntityControl Commands List (%version%)&e] &r==="
msg: "&a/ectl help : displays this help menu."
msg: "&a/ectl reload : reloads config file."
permission: "entitycontrol.reload"
msg: "&a/ectl debug <true|false> : turn on / off the debug mode."
permission: "entitycontrol.debug"
msg: "&a/ectl setlimit <entity_name> <max_number> : Sets the maximum number of the specified entity can be spawned in the chunk/plot."
permission: "entitycontrol.list.modify"
msg: "&a/ectl list <entity_name> : Lists the current limit of the specified entity."
permission: "entitycontrol.list"
msg: "&a/ectl count <entity_name> <Retion_plugin> : counts the number of <entity_name> mob."
permission: "entitycontrol.count"
# default is LOW, you can have LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, HIGHEST or MONITOR
# adjust these event priority if those event processes from this plugin
# interfere with other plugins' event processes.
CreatureSpawnEvent: "LOWEST"
PlayerInteractEvent: "HIGHEST"
VehicleEnterEvent: "HIGHEST"
EntityPortalExitEvent: "HIGHEST"
CountCheckInterval : 5
# - pvp
# ASkyBlock, Factions, FactionsUUID, Feudal, GriefPrevention, Kingdoms, LegacyFactions, NovaGuilds, PreciousStone, RedProtect, Residence, Towny, uSkyBlock, PlotSquared v3, PlotSquared v4, etc.
RegionPlugin: "WorldGuard"
- 1.7
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
- 1.13
- 1.14
If your server faces a problem with players spawning too many entities (mobs/animals), you can control the spawning with this plugin.
You can set the maximum spawn number per chunk/plot for each entity type.
If you have a region management plugin such as:
- ASkyBlock,
- Factions,
- FactionsUUID,
- FEUDAL (since I don't have an access to this plugin, i haven't tested it but it should work.),
- GriefPrevention,
- Kingdoms+,
- LegacyFactions,
- NovaGuilds,
- PlotMe,
- PlotSquared, (PlotSquared v3 and PlotSquared v4)
- Plotz,
- PreciousStones,
- RedProtect,
- Residence (NOTE: as of Mar/2017, Residence depends on Kingdoms+ plugin),
- Towny,
- uSkyBlock
- WorldGuard (ENTRY region flag) (6.x and above)
You can find the types of entities at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
- /ectl | /ectl help : displays the help menu
- /ectl setlimit <entity_name> <max_num> : Sets the maximum number of the specified entity can be spawned in the chunk/plot.
- /ectl list <entity_name> : Lists the current limit of the specified entity.
Permission Node:
- entitycontrol.list.modify : allows you to use /ectl setlimit command.
- entitycontrol.list : allows you to use /ectl list command.
You just need to install EntityControl.jar in the plugins folder.
You do not need these plugins but if you have one EntityContol's plot support can be turned on :
- Plotz
- PlotMe
- PlotSquared
Code (Text):
# This is a template config file
# define your parameter and its value like:
ErrorMsg : "&c[EC] : Some error occured."
EnoughEntity: "&a[EC] : There are enough entity of %type% type in this chunk!"
EntityCount : "&a[EC] : The number of &e%type% &ais &e%count%"
msg: "=== &e[&aEntityControl Commands List (%version%)&e] &r==="
msg: "&a/ectl help : displays this help menu."
msg: "&a/ectl reload : reloads config file."
permission: "entitycontrol.reload"
msg: "&a/ectl debug <true|false> : turn on / off the debug mode."
permission: "entitycontrol.debug"
msg: "&a/ectl setlimit <entity_name> <max_number> : Sets the maximum number of the specified entity can be spawned in the chunk/plot."
permission: "entitycontrol.list.modify"
msg: "&a/ectl list <entity_name> : Lists the current limit of the specified entity."
permission: "entitycontrol.list"
msg: "&a/ectl count <entity_name> <Retion_plugin> : counts the number of <entity_name> mob."
permission: "entitycontrol.count"
# default is LOW, you can have LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, HIGHEST or MONITOR
# adjust these event priority if those event processes from this plugin
# interfere with other plugins' event processes.
CreatureSpawnEvent: "LOWEST"
PlayerInteractEvent: "HIGHEST"
VehicleEnterEvent: "HIGHEST"
EntityPortalExitEvent: "HIGHEST"
CountCheckInterval : 5
# - pvp
# ASkyBlock, Factions, FactionsUUID, Feudal, GriefPrevention, Kingdoms, LegacyFactions, NovaGuilds, PreciousStone, RedProtect, Residence, Towny, uSkyBlock, PlotSquared v3, PlotSquared v4, etc.
RegionPlugin: "WorldGuard"