Flex AntiCheat - Optimized AAC Config

FREE CONFIG Flex AntiCheat - Optimized AAC Config BUILD 4.0.614 BETA

Updated the download link and a there are a few new versions out so make sure you update to the latest version!

Check regularly the download link to see if there's a new update because I forget to update it here a lot, you can also join the Discord server to get notified: https://-Redacted-/FlexDiscord
NOTE: There were multiple updates without posting them here so take note of that!

Finally after a long time again a stable build for AAC. At this point, AAC is quite stable with the movement checks that it doesn't flag all over the place so it was easier to test it right now. This is also the last update of this year so I already wish everyone a happy new year!

Join the Discord server to keep updated with all the updates: https://-Redacted-/FlexDiscord

- Updated the config to the latest version of AAC (version 4.3.4).
- Improved the mitigation function and the violation levels of the criticals check.
- Improved the violation levels of the fastbow check.
- Improved the violation levels of the fastuse check.
- Improved the decay function and the violation levels of the fastuse check.
- Drastically improved the hitboxcheck.
- Drastically improved the killauracheck.
- Updated the violation levels of the regen check.
- Drastically improved the move, move.normal, move.water, move.skipped, and move.velocity check.
- Improved the violation levels of the nofall check.
- Improved the decay function and the violation levels of the phase check.
- Further improved the timercheck.
- Updated the badpackets check.
- Updated the interact check with the new features.
- Full changelog: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...53c206f#diff-8cbdec1b0e37ebc3f29c9e14a6c80959

Join the Discord server to keep updated with all the updates: https://-Redacted-/FlexDiscord

Helping me with reporting false positives, bugs or bypasses is awesome but understand this. This is a config and a config can't fix everything. Most of the time when you found a false positive, it has nothing to do with the Flex config. So before you report a issue, try it with the default config and see if it is still there. If you only have the issue with the Flex config then you can report it on the GitHub page here: https://-Redacted-/FlexReports or in the #aac-support channel.
Note: Because this is a new system, it is not stable yet so that's why this is an alpha release and should not be used on production servers, only for testing. If you want to help me improving AAC 4, send me a PM on Discord!

- Updated the config to the latest version of AAC (version 4.1.3).
- Updated the FightSpeed check with all the changes.
- Further improved the Hitbox check.
- Updated and heavily tested the new Killaura check.
- Further improved the Move check thanks to @Wu_dian.
- Kick command removed from the Phase check because of some issues.
- Improved the Timer check.
- Better balanced thresholds levels on most checks.
- Full changelog: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...c19156e#diff-8cbdec1b0e37ebc3f29c9e14a6c80959

- https://-Redacted-/FlexDiscord

Helping me with reporting false positives, bugs or bypasses is awesome but understand this. This is a config and a config can't fix everything. Most of the time when you found a false positive, it has nothing to do with the Flex config. So before you report a issue, try it with the default config and see if it is still there. If you only have the issue with the Flex config then you can report it on the GitHub page here: _https://-Redacted-/FlexReports_ or in the #aac-support channel.
After 8 months, a new version of AAC appeared out of nowhere so that means a complete new Flex version for it. The combat checks are not changed much but all movement checks are completely recoded and combined in a new check called "Move". This check covers most movement check related to Speed, Fly, Elytra, Vehicles and Velocity. Because this is a new system, it is not stable yet so that's why this is an alpha release and should not be used on production servers, only for testing. If you want to help me improving AAC 4, send me a PM on Discord!

- Updated the config for the latest version of AAC (version 4.0.11).
- Improved the Hitbox and Killaura check drastically.
- Heavily tweaked Move check (experimental).
- Extended support for the "decay" and "mitigation" settings.
- Better support for multi-version server setups.
- Further improved the ConditionalCommands setup.
- Full changelog: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...ad4d51f#diff-8cbdec1b0e37ebc3f29c9e14a6c80959

- https://-Redacted-/FlexDiscord

Helping me with reporting false positives, bugs or bypasses is awesome but understand this. This is a config and a config can't fix everything. Most of the time when you found a false positive, it has nothing to do with the Flex config. So before you report a issue, try it with the default config and see if it is still there. If you only have the issue with the Flex config then you can report it on the GitHub page here: https://-Redacted-/FlexReports or in the #aac-support channel.
I spend so much time into one update. Maybe because konsolas is getting inactive with AAC or maybe because I have some new contributors that helped me with testing and providing with some good values that I could change to improve the detection and also the fact that I had vacation that ended sadly. Because this version has some experimental values for the Fly/Knockback/Velocity check, I would love to hear your feedback over it and if you have found false positives. Otherwise the values would be to sensitive for the general use of this config. But I would say, have fun with the update :D

NOTE: Discord users could already download this versions 9 days earlier so join the server as well to get notified when there is a new version available and for general help: https://-Redacted-/FlexDiscord

- Updated the config for version 3.6.4.
- Small improvements to the Hitbox check.
- Experimental Fly check value "tolerance" and other improvements.
- Small Speed check improvements.
- Enabled the Knockback check again with some experimental values.
- Big improvements to the Killaura check.
- Executed 1.13 blocks that cause issues with the Phase check.
- Experimental Velocity value "check_length" and other improvements.
- Elytra/Vehicles/Fastbow/FightSpeed/Interact check thresholds changes.
- A lot of language mistakes has been fixed and corrected.
- Full changelog: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...f810653#diff-9268f8054f99ebca23a2f058c4e6892a

Helping me with reporting false positives, bugs or bypasses is awesome but understand this. This is a config and a config can't fix everything. Most of the time when you found a false positive, it has nothing to do with the Flex config. So before you report a issue, try it with the default config and see if it is still there. If you only have the issue with the Flex config then you can report it on the GitHub page here or in the #aac-support channel.
- Updated the config for version 3.6.2.
- All links are updated and support for SSL connections.
- Further optimization of the killaura check.
- Some more language mistakes has been fixed.
- Full changelog: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...c9b8701#diff-9268f8054f99ebca23a2f058c4e6892a

NOTE: Discord users could already download this versions 11 days earlier so join the server as well to get notified when there is a new version available and for general help: http://-Redacted-/FlexDiscord

Helping me with reporting false positives, bugs or bypasses is awesome but understand this. This is a config and a config can't fix everything. Most of the time when you found a false positive it has nothing to do with my Flex config. So before you report a issue, try it with the default config. If you don't have the false positive, bug or bypass with the default config but only with my Flex config then you can report it here: https://-Redacted-/FlexReports
- Made some changes to the thresholds of the Hitbox check.
- Did some more testing with an contributor to further improve the Killaura check.
- Temporarily disabled the "entitycheck" command for the combat checks because the "KillauraEntity" check itself is still experimental.
- A lot of language mistakes are fixed.
- Full changelog: _https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...0d2c34#diff-9268f8054f99ebca23a2f058c4e6892a_

NOTE: Discord users could already download this versions 2 days earlier so join the server as well to get notified when there is a new version available and for general help: http://-Redacted-/FlexDiscordServer

Helping me with reporting false positives, bugs or bypasses is awesome but understand this. This is a config and a config can't fix everything. Most of the time when you found a false positive it has nothing to do with my Flex config. So before you report a issue, try it with the default config. If you don't have the false positive, bug or bypass with the default config but only with my Flex config then you can report it here: http://-Redacted-/FlexGitHubReports
Finally... A new remake of the config. Now this time even more optimized config vaules and better ConditionalCommands support. I made this time the config a little bit more lenient so it will be more user friendly on all kind of servers.

Also, I made a website with more information on it and a download hub so you can download the config from there now.

- Support for the latest version of AAC with all the new checks and config changes!
- Full changelog: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...9935489#diff-9268f8054f99ebca23a2f058c4e6892a

Join the Discord server here: http://-Redacted-/FlexDiscordServer

Helping me with reporting false positives, bugs or bypasses is awesome but understand this. This is a config and a config can't fix everything. Most of the time when you found a false positive it has nothing to do with my Flex config. So before you report a issue, try it with the default config. If you don't have the false positive, bug or bypass with the default config but only with my Flex config then you can report it here: http://-Redacted-/FlexGitHubReports

Discord message:

So here is my plan for now. In about a week I will hear if I have passed my exam and from then I will work on remaking AAC, AACAdditionPro and AntiAura configs. Im also thinking in supporting Spartan because that is getting more popular and in my testing it works better than most other AntiCheats. But I always makes my configs really "strict" so some players with a ping of 100/250 or higher, TPS lower then 19 or even with real PvP servers with custom mechanics or custom mobs have some issues. So I will probably make the configs that it has strict values but higher thresholds I can compensate it with ConditionalCommands. I'm also thinking about to just remove all the notes in the config to make my life easier or only have notes to checks/settings that people actually are able to change like cancel the hack, thresholds, commands, enable or disable the check ect. So I made some polls and I want you to fill them all in so that I have enough information before I start remaking the configs.

1. Should I use ConditionalCommands or the build in feature for the Spartan config (please note that im not known with the build in one): https://www.strawpoll.me/15849198
2. What should I do with the notes in the config for each check: https://www.strawpoll.me/15849208
3. Did you had any issue with the config on your server: https://www.strawpoll.me/15849214
4. Which AntiCheat did you used: https://www.strawpoll.me/15849222

If you have any other questions you can ask them in #general and im here to help you!

Thanks, ItsMennyo

DISCORD SERVER: http://-Redacted-/FlexDiscordServer
As many of you know, there was a lack of updates lately because of my exams. I finished them finally so I can focus more on Flex. Also, some people of you requested a Discord server for further information, reports and support. You can join it here: http://-Redacted-/FlexDiscordServer

This is still a rushed update because I will go on a small vacation soon so I only updated the config to the latest version (3.3.15).

Thank you for all your patience!
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