Flex AntiCheat - Optimized AAC Config

FREE CONFIG Flex AntiCheat - Optimized AAC Config BUILD 4.0.614 BETA


Update page.


Config updated to version 3.3.13.
Default config values.
Hitbox check.
Killaura check.
Velocity check.


AACAditionPro EntityCheck function.
FastBow false positive.
Speed and Fly thresholds climbing too fast.


See here the full change log: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...09b8aa8#diff-3da9a05d962ec95e12ae755be861a4c9


At the moment I am very busy with school so the support and updates are far behind. This will remain in the coming periods. I hope that I can still update the config when an update is released but I can not guarantee it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Do you like my work that I spend in this project? Leave a review with your opinion how you think about Flex. Tips and tricks but also your opinion is welcome!

Helping me with reporting false positives, bugs or bypasses is awesome but understand this. This is a config and a config cant fix everything. Most of the time when you found a false positive has noting to do with my Flex config. So before you report a issue, try it with the default config. If you dont have the false positive, bug or bypass with the default config but only with my Flex config then you can reprort it here: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-AntiCheat/issues
Flex AntiCheat - Optimized AAC Config - Config updated to the latest version.

NOTE: At the moment I am very busy with school so the support and updates are far behind. This will remain in the coming periods. I hope that I can still update the config when an update is released but I can not guarantee it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Config is updated for the latest version (3.3.11-b1)
Fixed more misspellings.
Removed unnecessary settings notes.
Added the new Speed scalar options (not tweaked yet).
Added the new Killaura check.
Updated the Velocity check.
Changed thresholds for the Move check.
See here the full change log: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...50edd33#diff-3da9a05d962ec95e12ae755be861a4c9

If you have found a language mistake, bypass, bug or need help then you can ask/report it here: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-AntiCheat/issues

Do you like my work that I spend in this project? Leave a review with your opinion how you think about Flex. Tips and tricks but also your opinion is welcome!
Flex AntiCheat - Optimized AAC Config - Optimized config values and ConditionalCommands support!

NOTE: At the moment I am very busy with school so the support and updates are far behind. This will remain in the coming periods. I hope that I can still update the config when an update is released. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Now the config has the new optimized vaules and better ConditionalCommands support with a AACAdditionPro feature (KillauraEntity) build in (BETA).

Better optimized vaules.
Better ConditionalCommands support.
Fixed some misspellings.
HitBox check is now really strict.
See here the full change log: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...b8e82a2#diff-3da9a05d962ec95e12ae755be861a4c9

If you have found a language mistake, bypass, bug or need help then you can ask/report it here: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-AntiCheat/issues
Flex AntiCheat - Optimized AAC Config - Config remake!

I am currently working on remaking the config. This means that I will improve all notes for all settings, even more optimized setting vaules and improved ConditionalCommands thresholds. The configs is now also fully build on the latest version (3.3.9). Only to complete this remake it can take a while. I already did the notes in a small week so in the next version comes the new ConditionalCommands thresholds and the optimized setting vaules.

Thanks for your support in this project!

See here the full change log: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...5ec6a79#diff-3da9a05d962ec95e12ae755be861a4c9

If you have found a language mistake, bypass, bug or need help then you can ask/report it here: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-AntiCheat/issues
Flex AntiCheat - Optimized AAC Config - General optimizations!

General optimizations has been done.
See here the full change log: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...e85a633#diff-3da9a05d962ec95e12ae755be861a4c9

If you have found a language mistake, bypass, bug or need help then you can ask/report it here: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-AntiCheat/issues
Flex AAC Edition - New top layout and spelling errors fixed!

Config is updated for the latest version (3.3.7).
New top layout.
Spelling errors fixed.
Hitbox optimisations.
FastBreak optimisations.
See here the full update log: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...7780e45#diff-3da9a05d962ec95e12ae755be861a4c9

If you have found a language mistake, bypass, bug or need help then you can ask/report it here: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-AntiCheat/issues
Flex ➤ AAC Edition ➤ Hitbox check improved!

The config is updated for the latest version (3.3.6).
Hitbox check improved.
See here the full update log: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...2c145b5#diff-3da9a05d962ec95e12ae755be861a4c9

If you have found a language mistake, bypass, bug or need help then you can ask/report it here: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-AntiCheat/issues
Flex ➤ AAC Edition ➤ General optimisations and Phase improvements!

The config is updated for the latest version (3.3.5-b1).
General optimisations has been done.
Fixed Phase issues.
See here the full update log: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...b89ea72#diff-3da9a05d962ec95e12ae755be861a4c9

If you have found a language mistake, bypass, bug or need help then you can ask/report it here: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-AntiCheat/issues
Flex ➤ AAC Edition ➤ Updated for the latest version!

The config is updated for the latest version (3.3.5).
See here the full update log: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-A...85b7c4c#diff-3da9a05d962ec95e12ae755be861a4c9

If you have found a language mistake, bypass, bug or need help then you can ask/report it here: https://github.com/ItsMennyo/Flex-AntiCheat/issues
Flex ➤ AAC Edition ➤ First stable AAC build!

This is the first stable build. In this build you would almost don't get false positives. If you still get it, report it on the GitHub page (link at the bottom of the page or this update log)

  • Updated for version 3.3.4.
  • In the Fastbow check are the thresholds changed.
  • In the FightSpeed check is "max_hit" changed from 15 to 16.
  • In the FightSpeed check is "max_swing" changed from 25 to 30.
  • In the FightSpeed check is "consistent_threshold" changed from 20 to 25.
  • In the Fly check is "vel_ticks" changed from 40 to 35.
  • In the Derp check are the thresholds changed.
  • In the NoSwing check are the thresholds changed.
  • In the Regen check are the thresholds changed.
  • In the Killaura check is "listen_delay" changed from 5 to 7.
  • In the Killaura check is "min_dist" changed from 2.8 to 2.7.
  • In the Heuristics check is "min_confidence" changed from 80 to 82.
  • In the Heuristics check are the thresholds changed.
  • In the NoFall check are the thresholds changed.
  • In the Jesus check are the thresholds changed.
  • In the FastBreak check is "cancel_vl" changed from 10 to 6.
  • In the FastBreak check are the thresholds changed.
  • In the FastPlace check is "max_place_per_second" changed from 8 to 10.
  • In the FastPlace check is "cancel_vl" changed from 10 to 6.
  • In the FastPlace check are the thresholds changed.
  • In the Nuker check are the thresholds changed.
  • In the Velocity check is "min_vl" changed from 5 to 6.
  • In the Velocity check are the thresholds changed.
  • In the Move check are the thresholds changed.
If you have found a language mistake, bypass, bug or need help then you can ask/report it HERE.
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