It is now back on BSMC:

AntiAura Edition:➤-minecraft-anticheat-➤-antiaura-edition.4047/
AAC Edition:➤-minecraft-anticheat-➤-aac-edition.4048/

Long story short, I was quarreling with Wifi about certain things about BSMC and we've solved those things. He has done some things for me to upload Flex again here under certain conditions. So Flex will be active again, I only need to post it on multiple websites so sorry if the upload log is make for a other site and thus not well indicated!
Moved to another site!
Currently, Flex V2 has stopped and we continue with Flex V3 that you can download here:

Download AntiAura Edition HERE!

Download AAC Edition HERE!
Currently, Flex V2 has stopped and we continue with Flex V3 that you can download here:

Download AntiAura Edition HERE!

Download AAC Edition HERE!
Flex BUILD 2.8.4482 BETA ➤ Problems with my computer, again!

I'm experiencing problems with my computer, and as a result, Flex V3 comes later than it was planned. I hope I can get started early on Wednesday/Thursday that I can upload it. It should actually come tomorrow but I will not succeed anymore.

Thank you in advance for your understanding!

This update is a bump so if you have already installed BUILD 2.8.4482 BETA you will not need to reinstall it!
Flex BUILD 2.8.4482 BETA ➤ Flex V3 soon!

I will start making Flex V3 AntiAura and AAC edition this Monday. I'm going to deal differently that I did in the V1 and V2. I will now make every update 1 check good as possible to keep the project up on the page. The AAC and AntiAura versions will be uploaded separately so I can monitor the data.

I've also collected some data from Flex V1 and V2
Download V1: 922 (Most popular version: BUILD 4.1364 STABLE)
Download V2: 2944 (Most popular version: BUILD 2.8.4482 BETA)
Total hours I have in this project: 100+ hours :eek:

Thank you for these beautiful statistics! It makes me happy! Hopefully we will break this with ease with Flex V3!

Like this update if you are hyped!

Furthermore, this update is a bump so if you have already instal BUILD 2.8.4482 BETA you will not need to reinstall it!
Flex BUILD 2.8.4482 BETA ➤ Bump and a few announcements!


At the moment I am very busy so do not expect a quick response...

But I'm also working on Flex V3 (which I'll handle differently than how I do it, but you'll see it yourself) and it's going to support AntiAura and AAC.

So stay tuned!

If you already use BUILD 2.8.4482 BETA than you don't need to update!
Flex BUILD 2.8.4482 BETA ➤ Plugins updated!

PAY ATTENTION! You must replace the configs manually because if I want to do the configs in the plugin, the plugin will be disabled instantly...


- The plugin has been updated to version 3.2.0
- Thresholds of most checks have been changed
- Move check updated

- The plugin has been updated to version 2.0.1
- Thresholds of most checks have been changed
- Teaming check disabeld

- No changes

- No changes

Found a bug of false positive? Then report it HERE. I will not respond to reviews or private on Discord/Skype if someone wants to report a bug of false positive!
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