1. Change your server jar with ramhack.jar (downloaded) NOTE: YOU WILL NOT CHANGE YOUR spigot.jar server.jar (etc) literally instead you are going to drag the ramhack.jar into your "home" (Where the server.jar etc is located) then change your server jar (A option at the control panel) a.k.a start the server with ramhack.jar
2. Start your server.
3. Press any keys:Code:Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128M; support was removed in 8.0 [WARNING] Initial attempt to file ourselves failed, attempted method #2. This may silently fail, if on Windows, slots will not work. [INFO] Config Created. [WARNING] Command Line detection does not work on Windows, and such some features may not work, such as Slots, or bypassing Java shortcut limitations. [FATAL] JAR FILE NOT SPECIFIED / DOESNT EXIST Press any key to continue . . .
4. Edit mca.conf (Newly Generated)
5. Change "jar=minecraft_server.jar" to "jar=***Your server jar name***"
6. Save
7. Start your server again!
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