GiftBoxes allows server owners and administrators to gift their players gift boxes/portable crates that they can open or trade with other players at any time.
This plugin is compatible and has been tested on Spigot versions #1649 and 1.8.3/7/8
GiftBoxes offers various features and in-depth customization to help create a unique server experience
- An attractive GUI animation (CS:GO) for showcasing reward selection
- Evenly distributed probability ticket system
- In-depth customization of plugin messages and GUI properties
- Flexible reward and gift box definition system
- Offline player reward saving system (players never lose rewards)
Permissions allow you to control how players interact with the plugin
- giftboxes.*: Allow players to have access to all gift box commands
- giftboxes.give: Allow players to give others gift boxes
Fully customize your server to your exact liking
# GiftBoxes - SainttX #
# Various configurable settings
rewardsTitle: "Rewards"
sliderTitle: " &4&lV"
# Whether to open up an animation GUI or instantly give the reward
useGuiAnimation: true
# Various configurable messages
alreadyOpening: "You are already opening a gift box"
giftReceived: "Received a [tier] gift box from [player]"
giftSent: "Sent a [tier] gift box to [player]"
invalidAmount: "Please enter a valid amount"
invalidBoxType: "That is not a valid gift box tier"
targetNotFound: "Couldn't find a player with that name"
# Define all gifts in this section
# The key (ie. tier-name in default config) is the "gift name"
# and is what will be used with the /gift <player> <tier> command
# in place of <tier>. Each gift requires an icon and rewards list
# to be defined, otherwise will be skipped upon loading
# Define the icon (ie. item) that is used to identify the
# gift/crate. When a player left clicks an item that matches
# this specification, a GUI opens with all the rewards. When a player
# right clicks, it opens the gift box.
# Define the icon using this format:
# icon:
# material: valid bukkit material
# durability: number <the items durability/data> (not required)
# name: string <the items display name> (not required)
# lore: list of strings <the items lore> (not required)
# enchantments: (not required)
# flags: (not required)
material: CHEST
durability: 0
name: "&aGift box"
- "Left click to view rewards"
- "Right click to open"
# Define all of the rewards that are present in this gift box.
# The key entry should be a valid reward that is found in the rewards
# section below. The value associated with the key is the number of tickets
# that the reward will be entered into the gift box with.
nothing: 50
# Define a list of rewards and their features
# You can create new rewards by simply adding
# one to the list with the format:
# The key of the reward is it's identifier and is used
# for offline reward saving. If you change a rewards name and a
# player has it as their offline reward, it will no longer be
# processed.
# reward_identification:
# message: (message to send to the player if reward is selected)
# broadcast: (message to broadcast to server)
# commands: (a list of commands to execute)
# icon:
# material: valid bukkit material
# durability: item durability (not required)
# name: item name (not required)
# lore: item lore (not required)
# enchantments: (not required)
# flags: (not required)
message: "You won nothing"
broadcast: "[player] won nothing from their gift box"
- "say Test [player] broadcast 1"
- "say Test [player] broadcast 2"
material: PAPER
durability: 0
name: "&fNothing"
- "This piece of paper represents nothing"
An example of how a gift box appears in a players inventory
The rewards GUI players will be able to view when left clicking their gift box