HoloGUI [1.8.x - 1.10]

 HoloGUI [1.8.x - 1.10] v2.4.1

Small bug fix

-Some changes were made to the way the item components are rendered. I apologize if this causes you some users to go back and adjust their configuration.

The exmaple configuration files that come with the plugin will also need to be updated. I will fix these in a coming update.
*Small bug fix having to do with entity ids of ArmorStands overlapping*
- Added event handlers to all intractable gui components for the HoloGUI API

Documentation coming soon
You can now add permissions to all clickable GUI components! This applies to: buttons, text boxes, valuescrollers, clickable entities, and clickable items.

All clickable gui components now have two added config properties to them:

click-permission: "example.permission"
no-permission-message: "&4Sorry! You don't have permission to click this button!"
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