:【Kix's Chat Games】: Engage your servers chat with fun & competitive chat minigames | 1.20.3 ready!

SpigotVIP :【Kix's Chat Games】: Engage your servers chat with fun & competitive chat minigames | 1.20.3 ready! 2.1.1

:【Kix's Chat Games】: Engage your servers chat with fun & competitive chat minigames | 1.20.3 ready!
◦•●❤♡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ Dekomori on discord ꜰᴏʀ ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ ♡❤●•◦

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:
1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.18


kix's chat games is a simple yet fun plugin that offers 9 fast paced chat minigames to engage your servers chat. the plugin comes ready out of the box, though, can be customized completely - from rewards, sounds, messages, etc.

each aspect of the plugin has been designed with heavy attention to aesthetics that influence the player's experiences and the overall appeal of the games. whether it's how messages appear, the sounds and their pitches, etc. this plugin provides lovely and engaging experiences for you and your players that won't get old.


The first person to unscramble a randomly shuffled word or words from the plugins game library wins! Comes with a default game library of over 1,150 entries, including block names, mob names, MC structure names, and more.

The first person to solve a randomly generated simple math equation wins. Includes addition, subtraction, and division equations anyone can do in their head with a little thinking!

The first person to type a randomly picked word or words from the plugins game library wins!

Type Random
The first person to type a randomly generated sequence of characters wins; don't forget to match the capitalizations!

The first person to answer a random trivia question wins! Comes with a default trivia library of 56 custom written MC related questions, but is fully customizable. Set up as many custom questions as your heart desires!

Fill In
The first person to fill in the missing letters of the randomly blanked word(s) from the game library entry wins!

Word Unshuffle
The first person to put the shuffled words of a random game library entry back in the right order wins! Eg. put "Blue Stained Light Pane Glass" in the right order; "Light Blue Stained Glass Pane"!

Reverse Word Unshuffle
The first person to put the reversed & shuffled words of a random game library entry back in the right order wins! Eg. put "kraD sknalP kaO" in the right order; "Dark Oak Planks"!

The first person to put the randomly picked reversed word(s) from the game library back in it's right order wins!


* Note: Incorrect answers from players will show up in chat as normal chat messages, however for demonstration purposes "Steve" always guesses correctly. Real games will look less crowded in chat.








More Game Screenshots, examples, and info:


when someone guesses correctly, their name, the answer, and the time it took will be announced! (message is customizable)


after (default) 35 seconds, games will expire, and the answer will be revealed!


example active chat game
messages not actually sent by notch


players will be notified when they type the right answer, but without the right character case (case sensitivity is configurable per game!)


admins can manually make a select game start at any time!


games are completely randomized (within limits so they aren't ridiculously hard), and will vary in difficulty, from super easy to challenging!


built in leaderboarding system for an extra level of


☑️ Ultra customizable

Customize rewards, game frequency, game length, messages, sounds, the random word library / scrambled word library, random character string lengths, math equation range / difficulty, and more.

☑️ Competitive

Comes with a leaderboard command and Placeholder API placeholders to see the players with the most wins

☑️ Non intrusive

Don't worry, everyone's chat remains fully functional while a game is happening. You can also give players the ability to toggle their preferences of seeing chat games or not with /kcg toggle!

☑️ Super efficient

Kix's Chat Games runs like a feather on your server with its professional and efficient logic.

☑️ Plug and play

The plugin is ready right out of the box, no need to spend time configuring things if you don't want to.

☑️ Event API

Developers can listen to chat game events and pull info to incorporate their own features relating to chat games, like rewards for completing X amount of games, quests, etc.

☑️ High quality default configs

The default game library contains over 1,150 entries, including block names, mob names, MC structure names, and more. The default trivia library contains 56 original written trivia questions related to MC, including general questions, fill in the blanks, true and false, and more.


Purchase KixsChatGames from the top right of this page.

Add KixsChatGames-x.x.x.jar to your plugins folder.

Restart your server. Any config changes you decide to make later to the plugin can be updated instantly in-game, with /kcg reload


Make sure to give your players permission to participate in games: add "chatgames.see" to any players/groups you'd like to allow to play, and "chatgames.toggle" to any players/groups you'd like to be able to toggle their game visibility preference.

Don't have a permissions plugin? Don't worry, just set use-game-permissions: true to false in the plugins config, then type /kcg reload


chatgames.see: see and participate in chat games. Only required if use-game-permissions is true in the config.
chatgames.toggle: allows players to toggle seeing chat games. Only required if use-game-permissions is true in the config.
chatgames.reload: reload KixsChatGames with /kcg reload
chatgames.admin: get notified when there is an update available for KCG
chatgames.forcestart: force start the specified game type at any time
chatgames.info: run /kcg info to see plugin information (game status, enabled games, & game and trivia library sizes)

#  _  ___           ____ _           _    ____
# | |/ (_)_  _____ / ___| |__   __ _| |_ / ___| __ _ _ __ ___   ___  ___
# | ' /| \ \/ / __| |   | '_ \ / _` | __| |  _ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __|
# | . \| |>  <\__ \ |___| | | | (_| | |_| |_| | (_| | | | | | |  __/\__ \
# |_|\_\_/_/\_\___/\____|_| |_|\__,_|\__|\____|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___||___/
# by kixmc | Version {version}

# Should the plugin periodically check for new releases any notify operators when the plugin is outdated?
check-for-updates: true


  # Unscramble a randomly scrambled entry from the game-library
    enabled: true
    # Should answers need to be in exactly the same case as the question?
    case-sensitive: true
  # Type a random entry from the game-library
    enabled: true
    # Should answers need to be in exactly the same case as the question?
    case-sensitive: true
  # Solve a basic math equation (operators: +, -, /)
    enabled: true
# A random reward command set will be ran through the console each time a player wins
# Use "{firework} to spawn a no-damage random firework at the winner
# Set to "each-time: []" or "random-sets: []" to have no actions in those sections
# --------------
# Placeholders:
# --------------
# "%PLAYER%" - the winners username
# "%PLAYER_DISPLAYNAME%" - the winners display name
# --------------
# Actions:
# --------------
# You can specify what type of action to execute by adding one of the below prefixes to command set entries:
# "{player-msg}: message" - send a message to the winner.
# "{console-cmd}: command" - run a command as the console (don't include a / at the start).
# "{player-cmd}: command" - run a command as the winner (don't include a / at the start).
# "{broadcast-all}: message" - broadcast a message to ALL players.
# "{broadcast-safe}: message" - broadcast a message to all players who don't have chat games hidden or have permission to participate in games.
 - "{firework}"
      - "{console-cmd}: minecraft:xp add %PLAYER% 5"
      - "{player-msg}: &aYou won 5 xp!"
      - "{console-cmd}: minecraft:xp add %PLAYER% 8"
      - "{player-msg}: &aYou won 8 xp!"
      - "{console-cmd}: minecraft:xp add %PLAYER% 10"
      - "{player-msg}: &aYou won 10 xp!"
      - "{console-cmd}: minecraft:xp add %PLAYER% 13"
      - "{player-msg}: &aYou won 13 xp!"
      - "{console-cmd}: minecraft:xp add %PLAYER% 15"
      - "{player-msg}: &aYou won 15 xp!"
      - "{console-cmd}: minecraft:xp add %PLAYER% 25"
      - "{player-msg}: &aYou got lucky and won 25 xp!"
      - "{console-cmd}: minecraft:xp add %PLAYER% 35"
      - "{player-msg}: &aYou got &a&lextra &r&alucky and won 35 xp!"


Using PlaceholderAPI, you can show win and learderboard data in any plugins that support PAPI parsing (ex. in guis, holograms, etc.)
  • %kixschatgames_wins%
  • %kixschatgames_server_total_wins%
  • %kixschatgames_lb_topname_<num>%
  • %kixschatgames_lb_topwins_<num>%

Developers can listen to chat game events and pull info to incorporate their own features relating to chat games, like rewards for completing X amount of games, quests, etc. Download here

  • getType() - GameType the type of game
  • getAnswer() - String the answer supplied
  • getWinner() - Player the player who triggered this event, null if there wasn't one
  • hasWinner() - boolean true if this game ended because somebody won, false if this game ended because it expired
  • getType() - GameType the type of game
  • getAnswers() - List<String> the possible answers to this game
  • TYPE

Latest updates

  1. 2.1.1

  2. 2.1.1

  3. 2.1.0


Latest reviews

Please update to 2.0.4!
Works like a charm, but the latest version is 1.8.5.
Please update, thanks!

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