Lands - Land claim plugin Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.20 Support

 FREE Lands - Land claim plugin Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.20 Support 7.2.0

Reviews 4.19 star(s) 86 reviews

after about ~20 minutes of people making lands etc the gui breaks and you can take items.
Remember guys this won't work with 1.12.2 and less versions.
excellent plugin. needs an update
Amazing plugin, can we get an update plz?
Thanks for Share , update please ^^
I had the grab UI plugin issue. downloaded the newest version (It says when you download it.) And renamed it to Lands- and it worked.
If i execute the command /lands i'll get a error, can you help me?
When I open the lands menu with /land then I can grab everyting out the menu is that normal?!
Yea im having the same problem aswell :/
Having an issue where players can take items from the GUI's, and not claiming land on 1.15.1 Paper
Hello, can you update to the latest version please?
Thanks for the instant updates! release
Please update to
We need the menu GUI fix update
Great plugin
Hi, when I open the lands menu (/lands) then I can grab everyting out the menu.
Hey it is spamming my server chat with an update message ive looked everywhere and I can't find a way to disable. anyone help?
Anyway how i can disable the update message ?