Minecord | Voice Chat in Minecraft // Nulled

SpigotVIP Minecord | Voice Chat in Minecraft // Nulled 1.7.13_2

it doesn't work
[13:04:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Server thread] INFO net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA -
Login Successful!
[13:04:07] [JDA MainWS-ReadThread/WARN]: [JDA MainWS-ReadThread] INFO net.dv8tio
n.jda.internal.requests.WebSocketClient - Connected to WebSocket

It stuck there please help
Is there any update for this, because... 1.7.9.something.....
Please Update!
Add 1.16 support please
Guys he should update it but there is no need! I'm using this resource on a 1.16.3 server and it's working perfectly! Thank this man and download and just follow the instructions on the minecord wiki ! If it's not working you didn't configure it right!
support 1.15 pls
pls support 1.15.
Ahh, not working for 1.15 :/
Could you update it?
OMG working thanks for fixing the plugin LegitSpigot
thx working
Nice thx for the plugin
No problem :)
thx working like the other plugins :D
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