[NEW WAR MODE WITH HORSES] SUPERGUILDS | Realistic Wars, Create Your Guild and War in Battlearena!

 [NEW WAR MODE WITH HORSES] SUPERGUILDS | Realistic Wars, Create Your Guild and War in Battlearena! 6.1.6

  • Fixed (?) an issue what causing lag while upgrading buildings.
  • Added options to disable "place/break" in building zones.
  • Fixed minor and major things.
  • Fixed message sender api.
Added "/g motd" command:
  • "/g motd <message>" adds a message that will be show in player join as title.
  • You can use "/g motd" if you wanna remove motd message.
  • You must be "Leader" or "General" guild rank.
Fixed locales file.
  1. Added more option for new buildings (NEXT UPDATE!)
Fixed war issue. (war is in progress)
Fixed 2-3 major issues.
Fixed EURO16 issue.
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