[Official] mcMMO - Original Author Returns!

SpigotVIP [Official] mcMMO - Original Author Returns! v2.1.214

  • Temporarily removed FakePlayerAnimationEvent (see notes)
  • Players can now see their own level up broadcasts

Spigot updated PlayerAnimationEvent with an API break between versions 1.18 and 1.19, as a temporary fix for mcMMO to be able to support both of these Minecraft versions I have temporarily removed FakePlayerAnimationEvent.

I am working on a fix to dynamically use the correct API depending on the version of MC
as many people will likely be stuck on 1.18 for a while.

Historically FakePlayerAnimationEvent existed to circumvent false positives on anti-cheat plugins such as NoCheat and was originally introduced to mcMMO back in 2013, however I am unsure if it is still needed and removing it may have no ill effects.. let me know if I'm wrong.

Anti-cheat plugin authors should be informed to update their mcMMO compatibility if you run into false positives with mcMMO after this update so they can make the appropriate changes.
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